March 18, 2011

Operation Death Star Australis

Preparing for the last American War

Death Star Australis
Click on images to enlarge 

Arab saying: "It is more dangerous to be America’s friend than it is to be its enemy."

New 29 August 2011: Not long now to the demise of the USA as Empire.

Interactive Map of Empires' Global Bases of Death 
for killing children and women:

"It's done!" Liss Truz to Anthony Blinken

October 31, 2022 USA Nuclear Bombers to be based in Australia (the nukes are already here). 

The Evidence that the neo-con Trotskyite Bolsheviks that rule the West are completely insane.

"I was merely an automaton endowed with power of movement, responding to the stimuli of the sense organs and thinking and acting accordingly."

Man does not inhabit Earth, men do.

Empty words from hollow little septics with F-22 guns 15th. Dec. 2016 Here Ok... now they want to lose to China?

Misery (The USA) loves Company, please, or else you're the next that we invade: Here

Nugan Hand (CIA) Bankers and its Australian lackies Here

America's Aircraft Carrier: Australia : March 14, 2016

USA B-1 Bombers to Australia for Managing China "threat": March 08, 2016

Pine Gap and vassalized kissing butt 4 Global War: December 09, 2015

"Full Spectrum Dominance by the USA":  June 16, 2015

"..of bottom feeding lackey status,:" May 19, 2015 

USA B-1 Bombers to be based in Australia for China attack: May 14, 2015

60% of US fleet to be based in Australia? February 11,2015

But will collapse trump stupid? Here on October 30, 2014?

Then, from John Pilger Here on October 24, 2015

And, if you are still not convinced, by now, then read this HERE Oct. 21, 2014

July 31, 2014 Gets some Facts here

July 31, 2014 Bending over for the USA here

November 13, 2013  'Asia Pacific Pivot' here 

November 11, 2013 (Appropriate) here

August 9, 2014: Slowly building the USA Military Occupation: Here

August 6, 2013: Australian Political Traitors and not: Here

July 25, 2013 US Nuclear Posture Review. Here

May 10, 2013

"The entire Australian political and media establishment is collaborating in this conspiracy of lies and diplomatic double talk, blinding the populations of Australia, the US, and the region to the fact that they are being embroiled in the drive to a war with catastrophic implications." HERE

Australia is the front-line command post for the USA State in its never to be won and never ending wars on humanity and it is aided and abetted by its obedient vassal State pusillanimous  politicians that refer to themselves as "leaders".
HERE and Here.

"US Military out of control". Here.

August 1, 2012
US bid for multibillion-dollar nuclear aircraft carrier strike group in Perth HERE

Remembrance Day November 11, 2011

Despite the assurances of the Australian Fabian leadership, the US Military Occupation of Australia has today become permanent. The hard cold truth is now public domain. Julia Gillard and her Fabian colleagues, are nothing but scheming liars.

Now expect US military presence to quickly spread its tentacles throughout all States with full  command over all Australian Military personnel, weaponry and Bases.

Words of sanity but in an Insanity driven World dominated by the insane; here. Sanity is fine but the wild cards in play must be taken into consideration or at least given the light of day. The USA has become a rogue nation and those driving its policies are fear driven for themselves alone. It is clear that the Australian Labour Party, especially in the hands of the congenital liar and inept Julia Gillard, attracts death and destruction to every Australian, including those yet unborn. There is no linear constant in our near future, only extreme volatility and constant shocks from high density variable events all of which is accelerating rapidly,

From the Wall Street Journal.

WASHINGTON—President Barack Obama will announce an accord for a new and permanent U.S. military presence in Australia when he visits next week, a step aimed at countering China's influence and reasserting U.S. interest in the region, said people familiar with his plans.

The agreement will lead to an increase in U.S. naval operations off the coast of Australia and give American troops and ships "permanent and constant" access to Australian facilities, the people said. While no new American bases will be built under the plan, the arrangement will allow U.S. forces to place equipment in Australia and set up more joint exercises, they said.

A US Nuclear attack on China launched from Australian soil, is now imminent. Was there any doubt?

What is the Measure of man today?
The answer to this question is that 'man' prefers to remain in Plato's Cave
ignorance and superstition.

Leadership has clearly been captured by the "camp followers",
a plague of cowardice, betrayal, deceit and theft
- the Fabian craft -
upon civilization
before the times
Alexander of Macedon and Aristotle.
The ancient Worship of collective Cannibalism,

Dateline: The Ides of March: Year 2011 

The Prime Minister of Australia M's Julia Gillard has declared her loyalty and Oath of Allegiance before the US Congress and has arbitrarily submitted that Australia is to become the next vassal state of the United States of America. And forthwith, Australia will become an occupied Nation by the US Military - for purposes of “jointly confronting China and bringing stability to the Asian Region"

With this act, Australia has now become the “Death Star Australis” of the US Empire

In 2005 we knew of the Joint Rapid Construction Project Bradshaw Field Training Area Timber Creek, Northern Territories as well the quiet upgrading of those other facilities between Timber Creek and Alice Springs, the Giant listening stations scattered throughout and across the North of Australia, from West to Eastern coast lines. Well a few of us knew, but it rarely got mention by the Press, as least not the subservient mainstream press. The term “joint”, oft' and so easily used by M's Gillard in this context, merely means Property of the USA.

From the Free US Press in Y2005 - (and no mention of "joint")

“July 13-15, 2005 — New U.S. air base under construction in Australia 

Our Australian sources report that a new U.S. air base is currently under construction in the Northern Territory of Australia. A new air strip is reportedly under construction in the Bradshaw Range in the sparsely populated “Top End” region of Australia. An air training and bombing facility in the Delamere Test Range is also being upgraded for American forces.” 

The US Foreign Policy 

The Project for The New American Century (PNAC), drawn up by that group of self declared intellectuals but in reality, dangerous and deadly psychopaths, ie the "neocons", that prior to the Clinton Administration were known throughout the World and particularly in Washington DC and the Pentagon, as the “f*%king crazies”. It is this fanatically fundamentalist group of Zionist ideologues, which today is driving the desperate and final attempts of the US Empire to maintain its global reach and influence. Biologically, this behaviour is normally and typically referred to as “extremis”. The final involuntary hiatus of sheer panic prior to death.

Essentially, the PNAC calls for 100 years, or thereabouts, of continual warfare by the US upon every other Nation. Ideologued to create a new set of geo-politically defined small and manageable 'feeble states, out of the existing nations, that can be easily controlled by the USA and that will allow the US to deploy its commercial interests and maintain full control over the World's resources; non-renewable and renewable, with a minimal of resistance. The United States of America today, sees, as its only option in order to survive as an Empire, global warfare. This writer has no doubt that the US definitely intends to attack China and will now attack China from Australian soil, thanks to M's Gillard... 

And just who and what are these "neo-conservatives"? Plainly and simply, nothing more than religiously insane and innate of superstitious tendencies founded in false and manipulated dogma; and, with the curse of the black-Gods and lust for supremacist glory and self-agenda; the carriers of the 10 plagues who are prepared to murder and genocide all of humanity in order to sate their appetite for blood.. HERE. 

As a result of the driven initiations and warfare continuances of the PNAC policies, today we observe the revolutions arising throughout S. W. Asia (Middle East), Northern Africa and Eastern Europe, while at the same time, hearing  odd mention of instabilities throughout Africa at large. The pieces can be easily connected into a larger phase-space (Big Picture) utilizing the economic glue of the United States, its actioning and its PNAC Foreign Policy. The bottom line is that today, America has now become a desperate and frenzied out-of-control, morally degraded, ethically decadent, industrially dysfunctional, socially broken, politically degenerate, and financially bankrupt echo of its former self; then, the World's bastion of freedom and the light of liberty for all mankind. Now, but a massive lawless Ponzi scheme backed by fire-power; IOW a fascist state and banana republic. The US Dollar, once the World's Reserve Currency, is now done. It is losing its support dramatically in global transactions and sovereign deposits - to the point that this dollar collapse has formed a solid prime trend, mainly because of the flawed and failed PNAC strategies, but also due to the initiatives of the US Federal Reserve and the US Treasury, in the transfer of wealth from its peoples to the Bankers. There is no confidence in US or global "leadership" anywhere.

The PNAC strategy is focussed on the former USSR states of Eastern Europe, the whole of Asia, which includes the Middle East, Northern Africa and what they term as East Asia which is in fact, the Far East. In other words, the whole of Asia is to be restructured and re-organized into manageable feeble states. Africa Proper and South American gets the same treatment but by other specialist US Agencies, just as warlords, that hold 'a priori' inter-agency claims to the control of event horizons in these particular theatres of operation. 

Part of the Feeble State Plan

The Gillard led Federal Labour Government of Australia have confirmed their invitation for the US Military Occupation of Australia. There has been nothing secret about the announcements as stated herein. It was of mention during the recent visit to Australia by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and further, arising from M's Gillard's recent visit to the USA.

Here, in this Blog, the details and what the currently underway imminent US military occupation of Australia means and how it ends.

How Australia fits into the US Death Star strategy: 

Australia’s sparse population and wide expanses of unoccupied and infertile lands from its Western to Eastern shores is the ideal launching vehicle for the US military confrontation of the World. This whole Northern area of Australia is mainly occupied by large international mining corporations mostly controlled by major US and foreign shareholders, a few Aboriginals and wandering tribes, a small number of property managers and the odd bloke or two. All of which presents no security or risk problems to the occupying US War machine. State governments will co-operate as will the mainstream media. The latter being under complete subservient and voluntary control by Federal Government Policy. The risk of the US public becoming aware of, involved with – or attacked on their own soil, is totally minimized. Security presents no problems to the US Occupation forces, while Australia accepts fully, all the risk of total nuclear annihilation.

The Western and Northern coast lines grant ideal conditions for listening posts and submarine communications, fuel storage and bunkering, ship and warship maintenance, dockyards, air-bases and attack collection points for Africa, South West Asia and Northern Africa (Middle East) while being a major support facility to the US prime Diego Garcia base in the Indian Ocean. Perth will represent the facilities for the housing of the required shore support personnel and corporate communications with the global mining and security corporations. US in-house and contract “wet” operations will remain head-quartered in Thailand, in convenient reach of just a few hours, for the Region.  Update: It has been recently rumored that the US Military will take over / are in the process of taking possession of, the Garden Island area just South of Freemantle and Perth on the WA coast for a major US naval facility, and housing for more than a significant amount of support personnel and their families. This pristine coastal  bay is an area of protected waters and beautiful sandy beaches.

The Central – Northern, Central and Southern coast lines represent ideal locations for isolated airbases, training and firing ranges, underground hanger facilities and as well as nuclear munitions and normal armament safe dry storage, while permitting ease of road and air infrastructures with high speed and heavy lift access for servicing and operational logistics. Listening antennae located across the Northern frontiers of Australia will provide the US Ear Arrays access to all global traffic into, out of. and between all Asian nations while the Southern facilities will provide submarine and US strike base support and control for the US bases in Antarctica. 

The Eastern Coast facilities will provide full air and sea support blanketing the Pacific Ocean Region as well as the Far East – Japan, Korea and Russia while monitoring all sea and land movements to as far as Vladivostok . 

The Australian Continent represents to the US Military a completely safe, invisible, quiet, controllable and maximum security zone from which to launch its weapons and strike forces onto any part of the Region, without notice. It provides a secure communications headquarters for listening to global chatter, maintaining force communications and co-ordination and a location that will not be confronted at any cost to the US Taxpayer. And yet another bonus for those of the US elites and US citizens is that any destructive fallout due to nuclear warfare will be fully paid for by the Australians. 

A perfect US driven “Death Star” handed on a platter by the Prime Minister of Australia M's Julia Gillard, in order for the USA to effect its aspirations, hungers and Policy of Global war, genocide and nation restructuring. 


The US Occupation   from Greg Davies

"And enfant terrible John Pilger has observed" 

"As the Washington historian William Blum has documented, since 1945, the US has destroyed or subverted more than 50 governments, many of them democracies, and used mass murderers like Suharto, Mobutu and Pinochet to dominate by proxy. In the Middle East, every dictatorship and pseudo-monarchy has been sustained by America. In “Operation Cyclone”, the CIA and MI6 secretly fostered and bank-rolled Islamic extremism." 

“The real objectives of US foreign policy have been wealth and power, specifically the wealth and power of its own wealthy and powerful. In that pursuit it is following a path well trodden for millennia. In that pursuit it is the imperial power, operating more often by corruption and intrigue than by outright military conquest, but an imperial power nevertheless. In that pursuit the modern United States governments betray everything their forefathers fought for, which was freedom from the yoke of a remote imperial power acting on behalf of its concentrations of wealth and power. “ 

“I heard no words from Gillard about the need for the fundamental reform of the US financial system, access of Australian beef and other agricultural produce, of the need to withdraw from Afghanistan, of Australian determination to protect the rights of Julian Assange and of concern at US prevarication over the unfolding events in North Africa.” 

“We do not need to blow our trumpet over our escape from the GFC. Our saviour was China, not the Australian Treasury and certainly not the USA who caused it.” 

“It was the speech of a leader of a vassal sate. It was a speech Harold Holt would have been proud of, "All the way with the USA". Why did she make it? It was an unnecessary suck, unless of course we are being softened up for an announcement that the US will station increased military assets in Australia and this was an attempt to show a close relationship in order to justify an bolstering an American military presence. Are we about to become a pawn in the evolving competition between China and the US?” 

Global “leadership" is in crisis. The USA is a leaderless spent force of an Empire in its death throes

radioactive hot & total desolation  for 1 million years - lifeless

Is this what M's Gillard has in mind for the future of Australia when the Americans' finish their wars? The above is the most likely scenario under the "joint US Australian" military initiative. Just who does M's Gilard think will believe such a ludicrous statement?

Domestically, the USA has completely degraded with all its socio-economic programs in total disarray, revolutionary encounters and confrontations between state governments and the people - are now a daily occurrence. Unemployment is well above 23%, there is only a shadow of its former on-shore US industry now remaining, Wall Street and the Banker community are the full beneficiaries of the wealth of the production population – and x2 generations into the future, while its Congress is fully obedient to the AIPAC Lobby. President Obama has become, as predicted before his election, naught, but a fluff; a toothless tiger who has reneged on all of his election promises. 

Obama having been awarded the coveted Nobel Peace Prize early in his Presidency, has not only extended the US war front-lines and troop inputs but has created new fronts while re-opening the Guantanamo Bay Program where incarceration without charge or trial and daily torture has become the norm of this President. The whole of the Mediterranean region that were the former vassal states of the US Empire are in various states of decay, revolution, including Libya, Egypt, Tunisia, Bahrain, Yemen, Syria, Saudi Arabia to name but a few. The inference is clearly a massive uprising that is about to reach its critical mass towards a new preferred paradigm of Pan Arabia; at least an Arab based uprising which is finding its support in mutual interest based contagion, despite religious divides. In other words, the US has lost its influence in SW Asia apart, of course, for Israel, the days for which, also appear to be numbered. 

In recent days Japan, a strong supporter of the US has experienced a massive earthquake, a resultant Tsunami which have further resulted in irreparable damages to its Nuclear Radioactive Reactor Energy Generation infrastructures. These reactors were supplied by the US based General Electric Corporation (GEC) which brings to light that a number of physicists working on these plants originally had resigned out of professional concern that the plants were dangerous and flawed. The US at the first notice of Japan's exploding Nuclear facilities made a 'conditional' offer to help. The conditions were found unacceptable by the Japanese so the US have not concerned themselves in the Japanese Nuclear humanitarian disaster, which has killed over 10,000 people to date, destroyed whole villages, town, and homes etc,, etc. These events have created the emissions of radioactive outputs which will guarantee for all those exposed, death by radiation poisoning or cancer.

Radioactive Warning

Japan's economy has been delicately stagnate for at least 2 decades but this major nuclear disaster brings further socio-economic stress to Japan that need to be immediately addressed. Re-building, revival, jobs, business, markets, employment, health issues, alternative power generation, new infrastructure, replacement housing and many other issues. From here, Japan can re-invent itself through finding its own roots by returning to being Japan again - for the Empire is done.

The question then begs: Will Japan now forget easily the US conditional offer of help? Will Japan now finally realize that being a vassal state to the US Empire, serves no significant or good purpose for Japan? Will Japan now become a full and integral member of the Asian community? The answer is clear and affirmative. No good comes of total US influence and imposition over your Nation's affairs. US influence is all but done here.

US Debt: US Treasury Bonds. China has been on hold from buying further US Debt and holds about ~20% of US Treasury Bonds while Japan and the Arab Oil Producing States hold about ~25% of US Debt – one easily sees the advantages if China can easily and profitably open its markets to Japan – and where, of course, if Japan accepts. The pragmatic Asians are more likely to make profit from this unfortunate and horrible disaster and while Japan will need to generate funds for its reconstruction programs, it will obviously sell its US Debt, among other options available. And the Arab States will likely also at least desist in the purchase of further US Treasury Debt, thus leaving the US Federal Reserve the last and only buyer of choice for US Debt. The US is also plagued with its collapsing “munis” which are tanking far beyond mainstream economists' expectations, while Pimco, the world's largest bond dealer, have recently dumped all their US Treasury Holdings. This leaves really the only other significant and potential large scale buyer as the UK, but it is engaged full time buying its own debt instruments. So, we can strike the UK off the US T-bond buyer list as well. IOW the US Bond market is about to dump and dump heavily.

Source: Leap 2020 GEAB No. 53

Australia remains today a Colony of the United Kingdom where to the US, we Australians, like Pavlov's dogs, are an ideal "US friend", especially with "leadership" that only harks the word of the Queen (until recently), and of course, self agenda, a priori. Now, they 'prey' loyalty unashamedly to their US pay-masters - avec des larmes de joie. A population of ~20+ million people huddled around the coastline in select and isolated areas where water is available, with poor communications and an highly expensive cost of living standard. - plus an, as usual, eager-to-please - for foreign despots, bankers and foreign CEO's; opportunistic, but typical,  political hive. No possibility of a revolution, no guns, no recourse, just docile believers in Queen and Her (God Save The Queen) golden Southern shores of the Penal Colonies where all citizens crave their TV, getting drunk and looking forward to taxation beyond death for their children's future. Looking on the good 'bright' side, any radiation that escapes the Northern hemisphere’s nuclear radioactive power generators will not reach our sunny shores. Australia is indeed the “lucky Country”. 

The Future Outlook 

The global prime trend is toward socio-economic collapse; toward a Dark Age, demographically expressed, of this there can be little doubt. By this US Summer this will become clear to even the most naïve and gullible. By the end of 2011 and the start of 2012, the US collapse will be in its final phases; the US Dollar fully collapsed as the Reserve Currency, the US influence over global resources, in particular oil, gone, Its Financial Corporations and TBTF organizations will have simply moved off-shore leaving an empty shell; and, a socio-economic mess of unemployed, unemployable, broke, sick, hungry and angry population with a foreseeable future of uncertainty and lack of hope. These will be the lucky ones. 

Yet, the US Military might will fight its last battles, presumably Nuclear, by lashing out at any nation, all Nations from the continent of Australia - the Death Star Australis. The military orders will originate from the ivy clustered walls and mahogany furnished halls, lush homes and offices of the pseudo-academic maniacs-in-charge, the neocons, as they remain faithful to their plan to restructure the World’s nations into “feeble-states” from the safety of North America; the "Home of the Brave". The Trotskyites, those of the crazed and insane leftover legacy of Genghis and Kublai Khan's slavery on Europe's steppes, will have destroyed yet another Nation of humanity, like a plague of locusts.

The All-Nation Flag of Australia

Australia at the hands of the political “leadership” will become, as Nevil Shute wrote in his novel 'On The Beach', a flattened wasteland, red hot and covered by a radioactive cloud that kills every known form of life known to man. Australia is destined to become that place which is dead. While scattered everywhere across this former Nation will be the remnants of US war machines inter mingled with the dust of an humanity that will be remembered no more, and the whitened dried bones of the naïve and gullible; that 'ship of fools'. No more laughter; no more dreams; no more. 

Arising questions 
  • At that time when Australia and the US "jointly" attacks China, have you taken into consideration how long the resultant counter attacks and its associated nuclear fallout will take to wipe out the whole of Australia's population, or not? Will it be days, weeks, or a few months?
  • Will Australia's children need to undertake the Pledge of Allegiance (to the USA) when at school?
  • As China is Australia’s largest trading partner, why does the government and M's Gillard find it necessary to make a joint alliance with the bankrupt, failed but desperate state such as the United States of America, in order to confront China militarily? 
  • What is the real issue here?
  • Can you not consider telling the Americans to attack China from their own soil? 
  • M's Gillard are you totally insane? 

Oscar Wilde: "the true hypocrite is the one who ceases to perceive his deception, the one who lies with sincerity." 

“Let the dead bury their dead”

- Year 2015 Perth, Western Australia: When the last of the US nuclear wars were done and the radiation clouds had almost completely blanketed  the Death Star Australis, the final US Nuclear Submarine with the last Americans on board, slowly steamed out of Freemantle Harbour and submerged to set course for its home Port; the United States, the Sun of Ra set in the Western horizon to forever rest. The American's have no further use of Australia or its  inhabitants. And, nobody but the Americans know the full extent of the war damage or the full implications of the radiation that covers Australia or even how long remains before all life is totally extinguished and before the cancer completes its deadly work. Nobody needs to know, as intuitively it is felt that all is lost and there is nobody left that cares; it is a hard fate for all that remain. 

They are right. 

Most of the important Australian  government members, including Prime Minister M's Julia Gillard, and their families (and their pets) were already secretly airlifted many months ago to the US and the UK, in order to establish the government in exile, so as to ensure a "joint stability and continuity" for future Australian generations as a matter of "National Security". 

There will be no future Australian generations.  

Certainty ensures that Australia and all remaining souls, will soon die the death of a thousand cuts and will fade forever from the memories of all men. No person will dare visit these shores again for 1 million years, or more. But, we, the dying and dead, are content in the knowledge that the Australian government, the Prime Minister and Australia's National Security are safe in the UK and in the USA. 

There will be no more laughter and no more tears on these 'sun radiation burnt shores'.

The game of madmen & cowards

"In war, truth is the first casualty."  - Aeschylus

UPDATE: April 27, 2011
Reported by the Australian Newspaper from Beijing

"Our policy is not to contain," the Prime Minister said. "Our policy is to engage, to positively engage with China. A China that's fully engaged in our region is good for the region, it's good for Australia, it's good for China."

Comment: This matter appears to have been the Prime contextual diplomatic issue at this meeting between Australia and China? Most interesting indeed and not the first time for this Lady to change her position.

It is good, as it is 180 degree shift in position from that which arose from the recent meetings between M's Gillard and Hillary Clinton. Now M's Gillard must refuse further US military occupation of Australia as well and dumping the Carbon Tax scam while re-introducing the Mining Rent Tax.

Another more interesting Update: Added May 5th. 2011

Comment: Nothing new here but the validation of ideas and references that add support to the bankrupt state of "leadership" that Australians have imposed upon themselves. This date appears to mark the final moment of the US Dollar where the markets are not reacting in a predictable manner at all - especially to all that manipulation. These days it is a time for all good men to believe the insanities that are, and have been unleashed on the face of the Earth

New comment: I have included some new links which confirm my observations and the treasonous activities of the Australian "leadership" where now it appears is clear that Australia will not only finally become, NOW - not just the proxy USA Yucca Mountain Nuclear Waste Dump site that will receive ALL of the USA toxic production - past and present and forever, but, the Nuclear Waste Dump site to serve the whole World.

Just lovely and how nice of them.

March 07, 2011

"Living in Truth"

Click on images to enlarge

Sol Invictus this is not! 

What is presented here is not as the ancient sun religions like Ra, Amon and Amon Re - Zoroastrianism and Mithraism, where the Sun was essentially a "personified" God and the object of formal institutional worship supervised by organized and 'ordained' priests which extract their costs for service, but as the Sun, being within, its radiant energies, its internal heat and light, the Truth of life; the radiant source of all life. 

What the belief system must grasp is the core truth that we are and all life is the direct result of the Sun's own physical and spiritual being; we are all suns', all unique individuals and by reflecting on this as a truth, in terms of natural physics, or physis, the dead leaves and paraphernalia surrounding life and the myriads of our junk opinions and mental garbage built on the control mechanisms of the priestly cabal of the past 3 millennium will quickly fall away leaving the shining truth just as Isis when her veils are finally raised. In other words, clearly I offer hard physics, that is to say, no "personifications", no awe, and no priests as the evidence for Truth. We are of the energized plasma of the Sun; we are an Universal Principle where this Principle is expressed in our unique environment and milieux, as a Parochial Principle. We are all the witnesses* of the substantial Truth itself. 


“But the meek shall inherit the Earth; and shall delight themselves in the abundance of peace.” 

The point of the argument that follows is that we are at an end of the Epoch known as Pisces and enter into the Age of Aquarius. As such, these Ages and or Epochs are represented by the Houses of the Zodiac. The Zodiac has been dated to originating about ~43,000 years ago and representative of the various types and attributes of the ruling consciousness of men during these cyclic periods. Each period of change, known, in modern terminology as a 'phase transition', is accompanied by changes in all aspects of planetary, if not galactic, life phenomenon - as well as telluric upheavals which have progressed, in the written record, from globally - very destructive, to the relatively far lesser degree of destruction, as we experience today. 


The most powerful driver of the human condition known to man is the paradigm, or the belief system that is engendered, or etched into and onto the minds and hearts of men. 

It is here stated that the most powerful of paradigms is 'The Spirit of the Truth', itself in essence by commanding presence as the golden thread in all things and it is no coincident that the greatest and richest of all ancient Egyptian Pharaohs was Amenhotep IV or Akhnaton (Circa 1383 BCE) who presided over Egypt at the beginning of the phase transition entering into The Epoch of Pisces. It is proposed within these arguments that “Living in Truth” as embraced by Akhnaton is the Prime Belief System that will be adopted for the next Age of Man and as such will bring the greatest of all things imaginable to humanity through reason, integrity and humility – as well as the pursuit of the scientific enquiry at the highest levels of qualitative integrity. 

This, to be expressed in an asymmetric socio-economic governance system of holistic rising intellectual connectivity or true anarchy. This Epoch will be known as the Age of Man, when men will be made “accomplished” to be-come Man. Gone, eventually, will be the corruptions, the vile genocides, the instabilities and the ravages and rages of impositional warfare and failed superficial and materialistically flawed socio-economic preferential systems. However, that which the following cycle and Age brings is yet to be determined but hopefully, with intellectual attainment, we will indeed be well prepared. 

The interpretation of ancient texts of the original Hebrew, utilized herein and concerning the foregoing messages from the hoary past, has been carried out at my request of an old, close friend and colleague. This work is entirely objective, original and entirely secular; a love of truth and a undertaking of the Heart. Astonishing results are revealed throughout the coarse of parsing directly from the ancient Hebrew directly into French and then onto English by this unaffiliated academic. No simple task, but note that those English interpretations that we have today have been taken from Hebrew, translated into Greek , the Coptic and then into Latin and finally onto English where at every step we can confidentially assume the widely biased tendencies and preferences of political / religious piety and priestly correctness, literalism and forgeries (Rome was known in ancient Greece as the 'city of forgeries'), and torqued at each step over 2 millennia. The formal Rabbinical interpretations that exist in English today, stray wildly from their original Hebrew caste. 

The key to this particular discourse, is the definition of the term 'meek' while my position is that the ancient texts contained qualitative levels of consciousness, thoughts and wisdom of the former bicameral Mind which exceed the superficial thinking and preferential assumptions of todays' academic quantitative and superficial offerings . Generally, 'meek' today is defined as someone of mild tendency and infers the poor, uneducated, humble in spirit and manner, cowed submissiveness , very docile; "tame obedience"; evidencing little spirit or courage; overly submissive or compliant; "compliant and anxious to suit his opinions of those of others", gentle, courteous, kind, etc., however, I beg to differ substantially with these definitions which I support with the recent interpretations and recent science. 

Amenhotep IV - Akhnaton

In the beginning the Earth and all on it was created. It was then up to man-the-created, or as it is said, man the 'unaccomplished”, to evolve by his own resources, to make, or to-be-made himself Man-the-'accomplished'; essentially, he was on his own and it was up to him.. Here 'Man-the accomplished' is the “meek”, which then is a far different definition and comprehension for “meek” from our current lexicons. In short, evolution ensures that out of the crude mould of materialistic orientated clay, man eventually, but through his own resources, enters into be-coming as a refined entity where energetic spirituality fuses or transmutes through differentiated stages as Man (the “accomplished”). Or, as it is stated, that time as when God walks the face of Earth. At this time Man, or God, is the “Meek”. 

Circa 1383 BCE Amenhotep IV, or Akhnaton , founder of the 'Religion of the Disk', Aton, or the visible disk of the Sun, the source of all life, brought, in the midst of the period of Amon Re, a new belief system to Egypt as 'the Son of the Sun'; the Pharaoh; a Man who had we assume, naturally mastered all the energies from Alpha to Bet. He worshipped "the Energy within the Disk"; the heat and light, - the ultimate Reality while “Living in Truth”; the Great Peace Maker. From what has been written about this Man, he appears to have achieved or “accomplished”, great humility without spiritual arrogance; high natural intellect, great compassion, being artistically oriented to beauty and the joy of being, as well as 'respect', all, whilst unaffected by Power – that, a priori, accompanies high position, grandeurs, riches, wealth and abundances and normally and typically weighs on and absolutely corrupts lesser men; Akhnaton was truly a unique being. 

Akhnaton, The World's first Individual: "The modern world has yet adequately to value or even to acquaint itself with this man who, in an age so remote and under conditions so adverse, became the world’s first idealist and the world’s first individual." Breasted--History of Egypt 

From each earthly cycle, and cosmic breathe en route from Unity to multiplicity and again back to Unity, we find that simplicity becomes complexity, which then spirals onwards and upwards, in opposition to the creation, to qualitative compounded simplicity whilst at all moments throughout these processes, consciousness ripens and parses spiritual transmutation into the materialistic armour that forges those chariots that we call life; it is the process of differentiation. It is the invisible hand to which Adam Smith refers to in The Wealth of Nations. And, while we move forward towards some expectation of a singing sword, forged by the hands of some high Buddhist sage of the Bushido Epoch of the sworn ethical knighthood of honour and integrity, or, indeed, some God or Druid King of those times of Caesar and Arthur, there is the slow realisation that pulses through the vibrant arteries of socio-economic transitions and dynamic intercourses, that what we contribute towards to our self organisations today, are the very foundations for attainment for those which will follow tomorrow. It is our legacy and yet, to our progeny, as before to we, also their lessons and memories. There, in the waters of the underworld our necessary and alchemy energies are stored for these folding and refolding processes enduring. 

Change is then the dynamic aeration of churn and brings the natural cross-fertilization to the expressions of universal and parochial principles; the churn that vitalises and feeds the wheat and rice; grains quenched by the waters and blessed by the sun after the nurturing touches of the dry and humid winds, upon which we survive and thrive. 

If then, the highest moral, ethical and intellectual response to today's socio-economic turmoil’s and telluric energies are those as observed being of impositions, torture, genocide, the murdering of the the old, the children and the innocent; that the transfer of wealth from the middle and lower classes to the 'out-of-control', 'above-the-law', risk-free seeking elite of the financial industries, thus leading to the mandatory manipulation of all essential markets and the findings and undertakings of matters scientific, Law, the MSM news media and the utilisation of profound and pervasive bald faced lies, then, that which is represented therein is nought but absolute clear evidence that such responses are neither moral, ethical nor intellectual. We today worship the lie which is personified in everything corporate and “leadership”. Here is our dilemma.

Can there be greater evidence that requires us to proclaim out loud with pervasiveness, that today's global “leadership” be all but incompetent, inadequate and incapable? Einstein suggested so. Can we deny that these of the crude materialistic responses which are dominated by the total absence of spirituality, that is, of total materiality are but living proofs of the prophesies of the ancient texts? We must dare consider then, as we cast our Mind's eye across the World today, that the days of the “unaccomplished” materialistic, non-spiritual man are all but gone, and the time now has arrived for the spontaneous evolution to be upon us for the spiritually and materialistically accomplishment, or that it is time for “accomplished” Man to appear from amongst the full spectrum of humanity,  in similar manner that the snake sheds its skin? 

“A good person thinks about virtue, lesser people think about wealth. A good person strives to uphold justice, lesser people scheme to gain advantage. The virtuous are never alone, they soon gain friends; but those who act only through self interest inevitably lose the respect of others.” Confucius 

as above, so below: we are all sons of the Sun

"Until the philosophy which holds one race superior and another inferior is finally and permanently discredited and abandoned, everywhere is war and until there are no longer first-class and second-class citizens of any nation, until the color of a man's skin is of no more significance than the colour of his eyes. And until the basic human rights are equally guaranteed to all without regard to race, there is war. And until that day, the dream of lasting peace, world citizenship, rule of international morality, will remain but a fleeting illusion to be pursued, but never attained... now everywhere is war." - Haile Selassie I of Ethiopia 

“If people are restrained only by the threat of punishment for breaking the law, they will never develop a true sense of right and wrong. When they are shown by example how to follow rules of good conduct, they will be ashamed of doing wrong and be inspired to do what is right. Whoever learns how to refine his behavior and act with restraint will never do wrong.” 

But what of the collective paradigm that indulges in breaking the Law, in being above the Law, which build their own rules of what they alone collectively can do? As stated elsewhere herein, our current and traditional socio-economic system adopted from the corrupt Greeks, builds relationship between banker and ruler, which become sycophantic and predatory; which becomes cunning and duplicitous in its adoption of stealth and deception as the form of preferred governance of the lands and nations so designed to usurp the fruits of productivity. This is the living dead of the collective, a priori, being, and the resultant by-product of power; a power that so few men are capable to resist. The recursive looting becomes the day. 

For one singular reason, there is no other endeavour more fundamentally important, than seeking the core truth of what we are and the nature of the Universe. That reason is simply innate; we are a life phenomenon where our consciousness allows us to experience and visualize, infinity; it is our Nature. At every moment we are evoked to promote our spirituality; to learn our lessons as the World is our stage and where upon we may play out our lives.

So within the processes of living man, it is the proper energies that are dynamically “made” by man himself that facilitate the inter-diffusion and correlations of those energies that bring about differentiations in consciousness which return men to the Unity which will be defined here as the “accomplished” Man, or the “meek”. Some call it quantum entanglement; it is that which we are. 

Which brings us to the point of the power of the paradigm itself. It has 'oft been stated that there is nought so powerful as the paradigm but although this be true, it must also be stressed that the most powerful of paradigms are those that bear in their very essence, nothing but Truth. Akhnaton's philosophy and message; was Living in Truth. 

In more modern terms, validation of this is achieved through the work of Bruce Lipton, Cellular Biologist who presents in 'The Biology of Belief' and 'Spontaneous Evolution', the vital importance of Truth at cellular levels wherein the attributes of the man are echoed precisely in the cell. Genes or learned experiences prepare men in Truth through precise conformations. The future of our greatness is guaranteed if as grasshoppers, we learn our lessons from the past as well as from the processes of the scientific undertaking to unleash core Truth. What else did we establish the sciences for if it was not to seek Truth? 

We turn now to the rapidly growing social networking of the Internet and point out that the powers of “Twitter”,“Face Book” “SMS” and such like services, etc., etc., that are empowering the whole connected World; particularly the Youth and the revolutions of West Asia and North Africa. Yet, despite the serious threat to the sovereignty of failed powerful Nations such as the USA, and the UK, the Internet will not be turned off. Hence the time for the”changing of the Guard” has arrived. Dictatorships, and other soul destroying regimes are rapidly self destructing and indeed, many more regimes will fall before another decade passes. 

This is the spectacular evidences of the efficiencies, unequaled strengths and effectivenesses of the asymmetric function at work where anarchy is described as the organisation of individual and self-empowered socio-economic orderings at higher intellectual levels. It is the consilient and therefore the holistic expression of the mass aggregation of charged individual minds. There is no need of government by powerful, influential and eagerly corruptible groups of like minded elites. Is there any doubt of these facts since the time when the Prussian military thinker Carl von Clausewitz work 'On War', was published which made mention of the superiority of asymmetric or guerrilla warfare? Has not the US military in all of its recent wars been truly decimated by asymmetric warfare strategies? 

"Socialism of any type leads to a total destruction of the human spirit."
Alexander Solzhenitsyn
(1918-2008) Russian novelist, Soviet dissident, imprisoned for 8 years for critizing Stalin in a personal letter, Nobel Prize for Literature, 1970

Anarchy is innately asymmetric by its very nature and therefore superior in every way to that corrupt and destructive system that rules the World's nations today in its essential need of exogenous spoils of theft and war. 

And Julian Assange and the Wikileaks teams have brought to light by the publishing of various “Top Secret” governmental documents the need to manage our affairs transparently and with full accountability. This may be idealistic but it is a target or vision as to where we want to go. The bottom line is that in anarchy, there is no need of secrecy at all and secrecy in the current system of imposition by default type government practices, merely hides the shame of the guilty and sanctimonious. Assange, yesterday a nobody, an individual, holds the world's most powerful Nation at bay through the unequaled and unmatchable power of asymmetric resources; all motivated and attracted by the invisible hand of Truth. 

Another interpretation of ancient text, from the same source, is that of the term “revolution” which emerges as meaning “Glory to the Word [of God]”. The process of natural Law and of natural Justice perhaps under the persuade of Demeter and Persephone of the Underworld, and weighed by Anubis against the feather and the heart. Obviously “revolution” is measure, validating the nature and natural physics (physis) of the evolutionary cycles which we parochial products of the Universal Prime Cause, as radiated in creation and nurtured in development, undergo to impart towards our own “accomplishment”. Revolution is the ploughing of the soil in which the seed is placed, so to be watered by the energies of the underworld and given life through the energies of the Sun. 

And from the evidence on the ground in written fact as well as in overwhelming mythology, we find that our planet has had two suns in the span of humanity. The first, Saturn the creator and in modern times Circa 12,000 BCE, and Sol, or Sun or Son, that is, our current solar disk. This correspond nicely to our evidential material by way of interpretation where Elohim created all creation and man the “unaccomplished” followed by YHVH, the son, is He who will make His own “accomplishment”; all through the Christ, the son of His Father. It is so interpreted and stands consistently in validation. 

Fresco Dendera

“For such as be blessed of him shall inherit the earth; and they that be cursed of him shall be cut off.” 

This passage suggests again the “accomplished” through transmutation involving the telluric energies of the earth, the created self, and thus in differentiation, the intended Man, the Meek - He who will inherit the Earth. It is further suggested a spontaneity of emergence throughout the land whereby all those arising eventually become Meek or “accomplished”. There is no suggestion of murder or murderous intent and / or genocide as in the history of the usual earthly revolutions and civil uprisings. This revolution is natural and of evolution as well as being a vital and necessary functional part of the original Cause. Perhaps merely less destructive. 

“Accomplished” is of when the Cause has completed its function to Effect; when the verbe has finalized its measure and be-comes the noun; it then receives its Name. 

The reader is invited to conclude that my posit and belief is that life is the direct result of the being of an electric Sun of Plasma. An Universal Principle, where expressed on planets and other places within the Universe, a Parochial Principle. Life will only be found to exist where magnetic fields, necessary for the nurture of all life, are to be found energetically in force of the existential milieux. There is no need to believe in anything but the Truth; there is no need to personify and or conjure up other forms or Deities, as the Truth is the most powerful of all forces.

Living in Truth, as Akhnaton, will bring humanity to its greatest multiplicity of existence while empowering the individual in full intellect and qualitative reason. This alone is the precursor of compassion and integrity; morality and ethics. The Truth will unleash the infinite and wondrous beauty of all creativity, the infinite possibilities of Mind, in Heart, while the discipline associated with core truth which will become encoded into the genes (learned experiences – Lipton) of humanity and will direct the intuitions of Man to drive and accelerate the intellects of all men to manhood of the “accomplished”; the Meek.

Putting the Sun to rest

The reader must finally but also consider after concluding this brief overview, if our current global socio-economic system, which at this moment, is in a state of total collapse and revolution not only through the Far West of Asia and Northern Africa, but also in China and indeed the United States, can continue in the manner in which it is in, where Bankers are the recipients of the wealth of the peoples upon request and by demand, without productivity, permitted to foreclosure under Law, on family homes in fraudulent frenzy and all this by declaring through the Law, that Banking and Business will fear no “Risk”. But, it is fact that there can be no life without Risk. This is Truth. 

There is only one answer to the degraded state in which we find ourselves and that is to not only embrace the Truth, but to Live in Truth. 

"Thou art in my heart; 

There is no other that knoweth Thee, 

Save Thy Son, Akhnaton. 

Thou hast made him wise in Thy designs 

And in Thy might." 

Akhnaton--Longer Hymn to the Sun 

(Translation by Breasted) 

The Truth cannot be destroyed as it is as eternal as the Sun. 

*An interesting etymological fact: 'Aton' is derived from 'Aten' which is derived from the Egyptian 'itn' and where 'witness'; from the old English witnes - "attestation of fact, event, etc., from personal knowledge;" also "one who so testifies;" originally "knowledge, wit,". 

IOW, the Truth is a self-derived and self-determined belief through one's quest of experiential knowledge, It is natural physics through the senses and consciousness of the observer and not the manipulated opinion and or propaganda of a third party - priest - who represents an institutional fascist organization with a separate agenda of social and financial control over major segments of the population. The Sun gives life to You, not to be abused, controlled, harvested and enjoyed by others, but for your own individual, private and personal  'pursuit of happiness'.

Truth is pervasive and the food of intellect, which are of the Heart.

About Me

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I am now considered too old to be of further threat but I have survived three institutional attempts to prematurely end my life during my career. The current Global Systemic Collapse (GSC), better described as a 'global leadership collapse' (GLC), is a socio-economic phase-transition brought about by the total failure of global "leadership", to find even the most basic of foresight and compassionate sensitivities to balance the imbalances and injustices that they have wrought on the World. Governments' are now attempting to create an exclusive risk-free corporate environment. This delusional ideology of pure insanity, cannot sustain. This sought "risk-free' corporate banking environment is to be achieved by transferring all risk and all financial losses to the tax-payers (“Main Street”) while maintaining a highly secretive cabal of global elites and ruling politician and bankers. The simple truth is that our "Economic Theory" is a fatally flawed, faith-based farce, and "leadership" do not have the necessary intelligence nor intellect to confront the issues du jour. There are now only Heretics and Fools, but, there is always a “choice”.