September 28, 2005

Thrice White Goddess - Mitosis

In the beginning there was the face of the deep and the dwarf brown star known to us as planet Earth cooled within its creative phase of eternity. The full spectrum of life emerged within the energized blanket of plasma that lay over the face of Earth engendered by the wide variants of electromagnetic fields and the numerous unique temporal environments to stand before this dark to bring the light of resistance. Some species adapted - many did not. Nature is conservationist and plays the odds accordingly. This manifestation of man began at the lights early dawn and Man was there - he was complete in duality and gender as a herb sown by the forces of the stars. A verbe.

In the early consciousness of men at the spring of light the ancient myth, now hoary with antiquity, was also borne and which its symbols and memories still persist in our hearts and minds to this today - the Great Mother- the Mother Goddess - there was no father just the fertility of this earthly bound Mother. Thrice fold in fact - the young girl Mother - the fertile nurturing Mother and the toothless old hag. These are the stories of old that haunt us today and emanate from every land where stories of old are told.. The first religion of men was that of the Mother Goddess. This was our beginning.

And, as the phases of the Moon have no divisions - as mitosis - the Mother Goddess became three fold in the soon to emerge reflected lightof the Moon; her reflection would soon become of adoration as well as nuture. The analogy of phases were followed and condensed in prime categories which indicate the need for a time reference. Motion was on the visible horizon.

Then out of the Womb of the Earth, that mature and fertile star was borne the Moon; the reflected light - the White Goddess.This early son of the Mother Goddess would become the White Goddess and would later become Horus and then Osiris - that son of suns that would wed his Mother; those 'men' that replaced the horns of Ba'al; Saturn; the God of the Jews. The Moon would become the subject of many legends and myths of men after the Suns had usurped its place in the heavenly order of Gods; most of love; much of insanity. And later, the sons of the suns; this son would become Jesus, the Christos - man to be evolved and manifested as God on Earth; Man. All this to the drum roll of the phases of the Moon and in accord with the organizations of each species of consciousness. This moon controlled the birth cycle, the tides, the light and the minds and gestations of men. The Moon is the reflection of the heart of men.

The men of this phase were the pre-lumerians; the men of the Moon race - the Masons; the Shaman; the ones that came with the phases of the Moon and their Thrice White Goddess. Her seed remains amongst us today for these are the 'perennial' ones - exactly 5% of all life is today of the Moon, the Great Mother, the Mother Goddess; the White Goddess - a critical mass. Their phase comes again.

They know.

As genesis evolved from the Moon to Ba'al to Apollo onto Jesus the men of the emergent suns; the meek made havoc of the Earth and multiplied. And their seed was slowly mixed while the Temple of the White Goddess was destroyed and its Mistress put to sword. In today's institutional and corporatized religions the female has been eradicated; no Mother - just the Father and with Christianity, the son.

The cult of the White Goddess was of science, of philosophy; of wisdom; sophia, the seeking of that alchemy that would transmute men into manifested Man in a complicit creativity of the heart. The sterile Gods of the sun men are without that which they are purported to have created. Their signatures are not false - but their dogma is without essential foundation - the female. And hence, the ones of the suns continue even after 3000 years to fight their torments and their devils in a frenzy of demonic proportion due to the falsehoods that they themselves have created in their unfounded arrogance and desires to supremely rule over their female counterpart & partner. These sword wielding priests fight to protect their dogma that cannot stand the light of their own souls. They remain cut off from their own Gods due to their ignorance, the worship of materialization and their belief in consensurial validation in lieu of demonstration. The current phase is about to take us beyond this madness as it has reached its toll. These are the ones that developed "heresy"; that punishment to those who question or challenge. These are the homo hierarchicus.

The ones of the suns are the destroyers as they have lost contact with their Gods but they remain also the stock of the light; that churn that Tielhard terms the noosphere; their own cannon fodder. Time is in the phases & organization and will not be constrained by the insistent mechanics in quantitative preference of these men, for life is irrational (as described within these pages) and lays at the whim of the Goddess; still they battle onwards, blind and no wiser.

The way of the Goddess lies within one's heart but irrationally, one must understand now, that without this maddness there is no music, no genius, no revelation, no philosophy; no endeavour nor harmony; no evolution of consciousness and thereby no light. The ones of the suns are nurtured by those of the Moon. Shepherd and flock.

In this instance the irrationality (being no triviality) is of the same nature as the Buddhist cadeceus where Yin represents the mists and clouds and Yang, the banners of battle flags flapping wildly in the wind. The right hemisphere of the esoteric, the subtle yet pervasive, being of the Moon while the left hemisphere of the mechanical and analytical represents the sun; both are of one; Seth and Horus; the dark and the light and both will emerge in final manifestation, that is to say 'effect', both royally and as such, redundant. As the phases of the Moon dictate.

The phases will continue in eternity.

In the beginning there was no light; the dark was on the face of the deep. A tremour; a shudder was felt across the abyss and the light appeared in phases to all that moves; light is the product of emergent life; without light there cannot be dark and without dark there cannot be the light for this is the analogy of the irrationality of life itself; life is of itself for it is Mind. The speed of light is thus fettered in isolation - where the dark is one and but opens to the light. Light and dark are like acid and alkaline in milk. This planet of oxygen; of oxidization is consistent.

The phase for those of the Mother Goddess comes nigh the dark ones will rise and in them, they will vibrate the intense and creative polarized light of the mage bearing magik...

Life is after all, irrational.

September 08, 2005

Man is the Signature of God

Man is an animated spatial and temporal entity and therefore truly the 'Effect' of the Principle Cause.

Man is the 'signature' of God of Earth.

Man is the subject of the Prime directive of the Universal Law, as represented on this planet Earth as the Parochial Law. Man is the representative apex of the spectrum of life on Earth.

Man is Mind first and foremost. The Universe is Mind.

Man is unique in the Universe. Man is the representative of the Universal Cause as interpreted by its earthly milieu.

Man is borne out of total possibility, nurtured in opportunity and driven by necessity.

Man is vital, and of energized plasma by engendered and nurtured by magnetic fields.

'Life' - a self-organization entity - represents Intelligence - an emergence phenomenon, constrained by contextuality and structured by complicity; a Universal evolutionary strategy.

On Earth, Man is Intelligence 'scientifically' knowable as:

An animated electric phenomenal manifesting carrier for Universal
Intelligence – a polarized ‘dusty’ plasma borne out of the
Earthly Environment of magnetic fields and sired by
Electric current. A child of the Stars.

Where Intelligence:

nIts Universal carrier is energy, and the law that it obeys are the laws of causality that is to say, the Laws of Cause and Effect.

Its Origin unknowable yet its nature is revealed by its

nEverywhere valid, being Universal in every receptive milieu where parochial environments grant Opportunity, Intelligence is driven out of Necessity; that necessity the need to know itself.

AsAs pervasive as Truth, as elegant as harmony, the instrument of Intelligence, its virulent mutation engenders itself onto every fertile and ready surface creating itself in accord with those parochial laws; those subsets of universal Law, imposed by its host. It is motion – it is activity – it is resistance – it is reaction: It is above all a Verbe.

nIts Mother is its medium – Plasma – and its Sire is energy; its Father unknowable. First there was the Mother; then came the Father.

nIts manifestation is indicated by the growth of the glow of light, that is the resistance to its manifestation universally; it evolves in creation; a constant not of the time of men, but of the variable constraints of the affinities and their specificities of the nurturing host and its milieu which are imposed both upon and by ,the emergent Herbe; a verbe.

nTime’ is relationship; that of the organization geometrie built on structure and expressed in surface.

Man is energy manifesting, vibrating; of a contradicting complementary duality, of gender, of polarity; man is the instrument of 'Cause' that is to say, Man is the creator that creates itself. Man is of divinity.

Man is the Master that speaks when the Man listens. Man creates light.

The male represents the spirit; the female the Earth; both are Unity; Unity is creation.
Division is duality; duality is multiplicity; multiplicity is existence. One is not without the other yet both are each other; harmony dictates, as does the moment of phase.

Harmony is peace; peace is fleeting; coagulation is a constant; coalescence is a constant;
Coagulation and Coalescence are the phases of the evolution of Intelligence; of Man; of Mind.

Man the body is mortal. The mortal body is animal and as an animal it obeys the parochial laws of evolution dictated by its environment. To be or not to be?

Man the spirit is immortal. To become Man men must evolve Mind. Science is the tool of Mind where technology is the tool of men - utility and existence. Mind is spirit! men are matter!

September 06, 2005

The Bicameral Mind

gamma sphere delta

Our memories hold so dear yet of so distant past are of a golden age when peace reigned a land of milk and honey; a paradise lost. It was a time of plenty when our souls were embraced with an harmonious reverie of joy and delight.

Yet so far in a time even further distant past, there was borne in man a brotherhood of fraternal respect and self instilled order.

This was the time when the bicameral mind functioned in men. It was a time when men respected men and looked to nature as their master that taught the way without words.

This was the time of the Mason. The 'perennial' Man.

Those that walked the face of the Earth, walked alone. They were learned of all things yet sought more. Driven to the ends and back again intheir search of knowledge and nature's secrets, these sages helped all that sought help and taught all that wished to learn. They were the respected ones that never stayed long and always remained alone.

No man dared to abuse or bear harm to these men for it was taught that life was built on the shoulders of these solitary and sentient wandering giants; the masons. A sign alone was a symbol that demanded respect by even the youngest of children and the most rebellious of the outcasts. These were the mystics; these were the seers; these were the sages; these were the masters from which a few words could change the destiny of men. These were from the earliest of ages; a time before yet.

These giants lived in nature; learnt from nature. They were the earliest of astonomers and philosophers, and measures, surveyors, doctors, architects, craftsmen and pharoh. They were men of the bicameral mind. They were the beacons of light and the healers.

The perennial ones understood the symbols and their meanings; they knew of the phases and the cycles; they knew of the polar cycle and the precession; they knew of the seven knights of the roundtable and Arthur the King. They had comprehension of the senses for they were of that qualitative state on mind where intuition was the twin brother of intellect. These adepts. they did not see; they felt and were one with whatever they sought to know and to name. They searched the Earth for all of its mysteries - and compared all in the tool of analogy... But always alone did they travel. Complicit and vital there were. They are the time travelers of the Universe.

Yet, this brotherhood was the greatest ever fraternity of men where the Earth was their temple and the altar, themselves. All as we know it today has become because of them; our re- emergence from our ashes soon to come, has been foretold; we need again the mason.

These great ones guided the villages and the wanderers and pointed to where should be built cities and agriculture plowed; they developed text, poetry, language, order, ritual, number, respect , education and sanitation; they then moved on. They advised, they directed and then they moved on leaving ritual to span the ages where men would always fail.

Circa 1000 BCE the Gods of men were in full retreat (The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind, Jaynes, Julian):

"One who has no God, as he walks along the street,
Headache envelops him like a garment"

"My God has foresaken me and disappeared,
My Goddess has failed me and keeps at a distance.
The good angel who walked beside me has departed."

This was of that time when linear script became the replacement of the bicameral mind through learning by 'rote and imitation' (as it remains and blinds today) which as a direct consequence when the subjective consciousness developed - or discovered - the character "I". Jaynes calls this time the 'Origin of Consciousness'.

And the revelation stated "And the meek shall inherit the Earth" in terms of the dawning Age of Pisces. And the giants were all but gone. No great epochal events happens in an instant of our time scale as events phase in consistent with all universal cause and can take many hundreds of years or even millennia to manifest; there are no boundaries; no divisions and like creation the future unfolds from the present moment to reveal the past. Today, we are the men of the past for that is how we think.

The oak tree has grown from the acorn but we still see only the seed; the mystery and magik still remaining hidden. The foundation of mens' beliefs today are cemented in biblical 'miracles', which of course is sheer superstition and misplaced faith but those same men do not believe in magik, mystery, genesis or indeed most things that disagree with their biblical fantasies. Is this not 'irrational'. It is consensural embrace by affirmation while ignoring our own well established reason and policy that all theory in scientific practise should be supported by prediction in demonstration; independantly repeatable demonstration.

We think as Martin Heidegger describes this current epoch... "the age of the World Picture..." Sir Francis Bacon described a picture as "dumb history", but these sages were really describing just how our minds function or how dysfunctional our minds have become, today. We think statically, historically, analytically, reductionistly and destructively. We think as pictures in terms of the visible part of the light spectrum. We are blind. We are numeric, materialistic, quantitative, and analytical; and very destructive; crazed. Our shining perception is of always, our "I".

The perennial man is gone? Hark!

Heed the warning! Po!

But the perennial sage is always with us; we need only to seek. But will we? Methinks that some would prefer to cast all mankind to hell and damnation rather than to admit defeat. So be it!

But listen to the master that speaks without words; he walks with you. When you are ready to hear; he will speak. The forces at work are irrational and external in origin. You are not alone.

The Golden Age was a time when our mental states were not so crazed and frenzied. Our Bicameral Mind was at peace and learning was there for the seeker. It was a time when our "Gods" were with us. That time is but a memory; a good memory, but - another time similar to the Golden Age can come again.

Look within and find your masonic self. He is, after all, the scientist. And, as a matter of priority, we must cast out the fungal mat, the agenda of which is directing mans' will.

September 04, 2005

Poverty: the 'Signature' of Failure

Poverty: Picasso

Etymologically, "poverty" defines and represents the moral and mental state of health of a human entity. Under law today, corporations are also to be considered as individual life entities and this is valid for any and all organized formal "collectives" which also includes international institutions, governments, political parties, unions and so forth.

The word, or term "poverty" was never originally meant to mean hunger and /or starvation, nor to describe classes of unfortunately deprived people which have always been referred to as the "unwashed masses", the "boorish and profane" and / or the "beasties", "natives", "common folk", "rabble", "proletariat", "under class" "Indians", etc., but never until moderns times when the deprived classes have suddenly become leverageable "profit centers", has the word "poverty' been so 'dutifully' highlighted.

The term "poverty' has been developed, packaged, labeled and politicalized for agenda that is designed to instill the need for a UN 'one-world' government while profiteering on the available emotional leverage brought about spinning its strategic propaganda. Understandably, the new US representative to the UN is now taking care of these issues as well as this 'false pretender' and 'usurper' of this throne.
Poverty is the signature of "leadership" . Poverty is the signature of "failure". Poverty is the signature of the United Nations. (Latest news September 8, 2005)

Poverty eradication has been mandate of the United Nations for almost 50 years and it has failed on every front. At the UN the poverty eradication program is the "Millennium Development Goals" inferring, that the program is just beginning; such is their signature of deceit. What should be the program is the reduction of global starvation and hunger, but it is not the focus and will not be despite all the funds donated to this cause. During the World Food Summit in Rome in Year 2002 this position was clearly admitted by the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) in a public declaration of total and abysmal 'failure', despite huge budgets and massive resources, just prior to the summit being prematurely and unexpectedly (unscheduled) declared as closed.

There is no understanding let alone comprehension today as to what the word 'poverty' actually was originally created to infer; or what creates poverty; or how poverty is sustained in a growth performance nor is there the will inside the UN to confront this program beyond raising its funds in the name of "Poverty".
People in developing countries can life and survive on US$1 per day and not starve whereas the UN officials with term contracts of around US$1 million for every 5 year contract or circa US$1,400 per diem find life difficult in places like Japan, USA and Europe. The former is able to produce goods such as computers, shoes and other such industrial products worth many hundreds of dollars per day where the latter is just an expensive non-productive overhead. In the correct usage of the term, poverty is better suited to those of the UN and similar 'collective institutions and organizations.

The institution types make "policy" from their offices or their hotels not being able to venture into the muddy fields of those developing countries for fear of their almani suits and bally shoes becoming soiled; this dirty part is left for the locals to report or the use of contract consultants, mostly of which follow the same culture. Who is poor? Policy is made by "gods" of men from the safety of the airconditioned offices and leather backed chairs. Who is poor? This is poverty. Policy is not founded in experience and comprehension is it concretized in consensus and committee, far away from the irritation of the issues in play. This is poverty.

Poverty is the signature of failure; it is the signature of bankruptcy of the man; of the institution; of the organization; of the government. Poverty is the signature of the total failure of "leadership".

To starvation and hunger: Starvation comes from not enough food to consume as compared to entity needs; hunger is the pain of starvation; the signature of starvation. Crops fail due to inconsistent weather experienced upon which traditional planting and expectation of harvest is founded. It also comes from inefficient and ineffective distribution systems; hording; from thoughtless regard to probability and ignoring (or failing to see) the signatures of impending natural disasters through natural phenomenon; from apathy and from committees where each member is intent on moving responsibility away by non-decision, that is from bankrupt policy. Regulations take care of day-to-day matters in decision and 'non-decision' is used for all other and difficult issues. "Non-decision is a policy decision".

The Hurricane Katrina clearly indicate levels of poverty but not in Lousianna or New Orleans . Pre-warning, prior knowledge, demands, foresight; technology advanced warning and knowledge systems available in abundance; but, 'leadership' was missing in apathy (mia); this is poverty. When food and medicine are required , guns and assassins are sent. This is poverty! When pity and compassion are needed, media spin excites chaotically. When action is needed, rhetoric pollutes the air looking for short term profit; opportunity. This is poverty!

Who calls to "cull" the World population? Who supports this call to cull the World population? Who puts in effect those policies to cull the World population? Those of poverty! Leadership! Who digs caves and underground fortresses to hide and manage in the face of known impending telluric disasters? Yes, leadership not only thinks (read: assumes) it knows what is coming but has prepared for the safety of the governing elite while maintaining a grip on global government. They dig and practice and have done so for over a decade! And they do not tell you what they are preparing for in honest declaration. This is poverty! This is betrayal. This is expected!

Leadership demands responsibility, vision, courage, virtue, compassion and honor; without these attributes, you have poverty!

Poverty is the signature of failure. Poverty is the signature of leadership (today).

Poverty is also a game; a tactic; a strategy. It is cruel and evil game played by those of the "lowest-common-denominator" of civilization; it is imposition or war; it is the extention of war in the form of diplomacy (Carl von Clausowitz); that which the mardarins; the eunuchs; the bureaucrats play; the jesters paly - it is the real evil that sub-strata fungal mats (life forms) deploy for their own agenda. It is evil because humans' reason see and experience the result os thoughtless, collective agenda (policies) of survival - portrayed and represented (spun) as policies of intellect and intelligence - which they are not.

Poverty is the signature of failure.

September 03, 2005

Men and Civilization

Among those of us few who travel the World and live in other places from where we were born; those of us who have lived and worked; loved and suffered in many different countries; in different societies, where strange, mysterious and exotic cultures, traditions and languages thrive abound; among we few travelers and pioneers is the knowledge of how the World is managed - and this knowledge evokes a 'scream' - of anguish, despair and do desperate that there is a demand to speak out so as to evoke a global and urgent response.

Those international institutions, those institutional aid programs; those people that "administer" and "manage"; that talk the bureaucratic language of non commitment and blatant and spurious irresponsibility; that talk in monograms of dialectic sophistry and take, and take while promising to give, to act, to help, to assist (the Verbe), are of the people of the fungal mat. There is no greater monument to men's' ignorance and corruption than that of the United Nations; none!

Edvard Munch: The Scream

But there are many of these animated floating mats of living carnivorous fungal life forms of enforced sub-stratum piety and demonized dogma that hunt the blood and energies of us, the unwashed masses, throughout the crevasses, ravines, valleys, plains, mountains and oceans of our planet. They feed on the unaware, the naive, the unfortunate and poverty is their game. We need to be aware; be protective for ourselves and families... because the enemy is within; the enemy is ourselves.

But do we prefer to blindly follow the crowd down the crowded alleys of despair and to bring upon ourselves the perdition of ignorance? What cost is it to us to stop and think; what values could be engendered and measured in qualitative process; what opportunity could abound into acting in scientific complicity? What losses do we incur by re-evaluating these issues; by re-establishing social values?

Do men have 'free will' is indeed a perennial question asked by philosophers and whereby they also ask do men have 'free choice'? The answer is clear.

Men have 'free choice' as do all the other life forms within the spectra of life we find on our planet Earth. But today 'free will' does not lie in the hands of men, well perhaps a very small few.

As a consequence of this rather rash statement, men then must and do obey the basic and fundamental laws of species survival that are relevant throughout the whole of the food chain, from the smallest amoeba to the largest whale; men still obey the laws of physical evolution and do not reason for themselves. Men however do not have a predator; men are the predator on this planet and as such this big brain, mammalian, super molecule hominid is currently king of the life domain on this planet.

However, sentient he is not.

But thanks to our irrational state of consciousness, men have "ego", misplaced in most instances and individually constructed in all cases without exception; he also has the ability to negate, the only animal in the kingdom that does and this power he abuses whenever, it appears, given the opportunity. Man has not fully evolved and may not do so for many millennia, but he is evolving.

If one accepts what is being said here then one must see that men are constrained in a matrix of involuntarily obedience to evolutionary laws while being in a constricted state of not having evolved along far enough to grasp 'free-will', that tool that will allow man to independently control his own destiny while permitting him to pioneer both near space, our galaxy and the far distant galaxies while still to this day remaining at the mercy of the natural cosmic forces (causes) that shape all engendered life and their milieux throughout our Universe… This is the challenge; our passion and in order to fruit, we need to suffer accordingly.

Suffering however is not the prime directive. The prime dictate is to evolve and to evolve we need to excite our neurological capacities to full efficiency and effectiveness, in a qualitative 7 sense holistic state. More, we need to mutate our current state of social order and attitude in order to evolve according to the higher universal laws; those dormant laws at ready on the surface of our planet in the form of our own unique set of parochial laws. And, for the record, 'cause' only creates 'effect' though resistance, which is, in a context of 'feeling', suffering.

Nothing happens in an instant across the full spectrum, at least not within the time frame of that place along the universal scale where we find our mental states. We still remain under the veils; we are not fully 'enlightened'; we are perhaps quite a 'few bricks short of a load'. But we know what it is that we must do and that which we should not do and therefore it is possible to begin a deterministic a priori effort to reach our next level of mental awareness if not a state of sentience. We can deliver the organization and the required strategy to ensure that our offspring become our link to our destiny; it is called 'privilege' and it is a responsible act as well as a natural instinct.

I repeat men are not, in their current state of evolution, builders of civilization; we are pioneers, adventurers and romantics. Men have intellectual potential and intelligence. We are currently of technology, that is of intelligence but not yet of science, that is of intellect; this will come but it must be earnt. It is science that we need to identify, understand, and comprehend whereby by our embrace, we will evolve as this is the process; science is our next path to our destiny.

Currently we are experiencing major changes to our global environment; in fact we are experiencing major changes to our global milieux, so much so, that this must be now self-evident. The evidence that this phenomenon is cyclic exists. The irrational behavior of peoples, states, organizations, governments, politicians, etc., is becoming increasingly erratic and chaotic which just adds to the climatic changes - that have not commenced since but a few years but have been steadily in visible and experiential increase for over 15 years or so, only to add more support to this statement. Man is undergoing change and that change is being imposed by forces and phases originating externally from this planet.

Unfortunately, our leadership remains firmly rutted in agenda, frenzy and denial which are just more evidences to support the evolutionary forces of constraint upon a non-evolved life form, that is, man. We will pay the price for our preferred primitive and hierarchal social management systems that have become corrupted beyond sustainability and for the fact that we do not have the will to embrace our own capacities albeit potential, in order to reduce the probabilities of impending death and destruction.

The US governing higher elite have assumed this impending danger for well over a decade and have recently escalated their desperation for survival by digging huge underground facilities from where they can protect their power, wealth and resources thinking that they will be safe behind reinforced steel and concrete beneath the earth's surface, from those universal cosmic forces. The key to this knowledge comes from the inner-core of the Masonic Lodge which is well conversant with this ancient knowledge of the near looming destruction and was present at the founding of the American Republic; but they were men then of intellect, vision, experience, learning, responsibility and profound sense of honor…Today there is little but heavy influence for the vageries of cowardly panic. The whole US policy of both democratic and republican houses is entrenched in the extension and maintenance of global power through and beyond the expected time of global apocalypse while surviving the expected fallout. Little do they know that there knowledge is half right and half wrong. Their mentalities cannot interpret the messages sent by the ancient ones who did know. The American culture has taken on-board too much fear.

This is the message:

Men do now possess both the potential and the capability to grasp 'free-will' if they endeavor to do so. And, by doing so, they may throw off some of the illusions that bind them to evolutionary laws which could just save many from unnecessary death and suffering.

Men are pioneers, adventures and romantics; it is not time for civilization. Men must arise first to cast off ignorance, political dominance and wholesale domestication. Men must restructure and reorganize it sciences and social management to allow for the available knowledge to granulate and manifest within an order that will allow access to vast and necessary new resources in order to colonize the Universe. This knowledge and technology exists today; it just needs real leadership, will and systemization. This is what man does. Man need to differentiate himself from animal into man. Man needs to manifest in order to meet function and man needs to function in accord with his milieu in a vitally complicit energized manner.

Vivre la revolution!

About Me

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I am now considered too old to be of further threat but I have survived three institutional attempts to prematurely end my life during my career. The current Global Systemic Collapse (GSC), better described as a 'global leadership collapse' (GLC), is a socio-economic phase-transition brought about by the total failure of global "leadership", to find even the most basic of foresight and compassionate sensitivities to balance the imbalances and injustices that they have wrought on the World. Governments' are now attempting to create an exclusive risk-free corporate environment. This delusional ideology of pure insanity, cannot sustain. This sought "risk-free' corporate banking environment is to be achieved by transferring all risk and all financial losses to the tax-payers (“Main Street”) while maintaining a highly secretive cabal of global elites and ruling politician and bankers. The simple truth is that our "Economic Theory" is a fatally flawed, faith-based farce, and "leadership" do not have the necessary intelligence nor intellect to confront the issues du jour. There are now only Heretics and Fools, but, there is always a “choice”.