The female is:
... of nurture, loving, beautiful, desirable, soft, fragile, delicate, pure, innocent, fine,
... fierce, defensive, earthy, non-caring, deterministic and unmatched in her defense of her offspring.
Hell hath no fury like that of a woman scorned.
Yet the male is:
... spiritual, loving and caring; philosophical, poetic, artistic, gentle,
... arrogant, greedy, stupid, offensive, argumentative, a betrayer, deceitful, dishonest, deceptive, and mostly pure animal; base & crude.
Male and female are one; the perception and reality is of contradiction as well as complementation. It is correct.
This is the way of all things.
The female must arise from beneath the tyranny of the male; then there will be respect; then this race will begin to evolve...
Male is female; Female is male; the duality returns to stability. Woman moves to the right yet remains female while the male moves to the left and both become Man
1 + 2 = 3 Pythagoras (a2 + b2 = c2)
This is the prime directive of the Universe.
And where, the male, man, positive, anode, masculine is the alter ego of the female, cathode, negative, woman.