If you are looking for the truth, you will find it everywhere and in everything throughout the known Universe, and beyond. It is pervasive; it is subtle. What is not truth?
I have pondered these past two weeks what it takes for men to kill one another, for this expectation has again become real for myself. These sick twisted corrupted vessels of flesh and blood vie that of others and from the corridors of the corporate power, reach out in cowardly aggressiveness to take a father from his family, a mother from her child - for the purposes of self and corporate gain at no cost.
This is the second time for me - alas the first failed but due to certain steps taken in familiar territory. Death... I have no fear of death - I embrace it but attend to duty and honour prior to its attendance.
So to you death merchantss from the corporate board room and you their subordinates that are prepared to lie and cheat on their behalf, take careful measure... for this person has tasted your blood before and find in vile and wanting of courage; better you run and hide in the sewers of Vancouver. There you should prepare yourselves for perpetuity in hell.
Remember that truth is subtle but it is pervasive; whereas you are but a passing flash that fades away into the fires of hades.