Politics is the tool of the most stupid stupidity: those of the lowest common denominator; the feral,
leaving us but to wonder as to why we cannot live in peace?
Why do the most ignorant and emotionally unstable scream forever their rants that demand the adoption of their ludicrous stupidity and force their savage evils onto the innocent and defenseless...
whilst the most sage and visionary quietly and secretly keep their own counsel - far from the pestilence of the political platform?
Yet, as we can clearly see that there is no place for peace amongst the men of this current mentality; it is the wise in their cloaks of honour, courage and virtue that still maintain and manage the compassionate direction of the barbarians, through sacrifice and responsibility that will eventually, lead to raising men, step by step, involuntarily towards their destined goal.
For if the wise and sage were to hold leadership, within this phase of flux, then mankind would not survive; it is the time for the fires to burn and the passions to play and for evil to have its lustful way, for this is duality; this insanity, this contradiction; this irrationality...
this is the Universal way!
So where is wisdom but within the activities that create Man? Life is a Universal evolutionary cycle where phases reflect and dominate the states of being and where the arrow flies not straight, where...
men are only of this Earth and where Man is of the Universe.