January 19, 2016


 End of Empire - Ashes Abound

The Rise of the Phoenix
Waterbear - Tardigrade
Judith Westerfield

“Come to the edge," he said.
"We can't, we're afraid!" they responded.
"Come to the edge," he said.
"We can't, We will fall!" they responded.
"Come to the edge," he said.
And so they came.
And he pushed them.
And they flew.”
Guillaume Apollinaire

Images: The Gods Neptune - Jupiter - Mars - Saturn - Venus - Mercury - Uranus
(Click on Images for larger View)

Introduction: Psychoanalysis

Mankind is powerless against mankind, and the gods, as ever, 
show it the ways of fate ...

In the realm of consciousness we are our own masters... But if we step through the door of the shadow we discover with terror that we are the objects of unseen factors. 

To know this is decidedly unpleasant, for nothing is more disillusioning than the discovery of our own inadequacy. It can even give rise to primitive panic, because, instead of being believed in, the anxiously guarded supremacy of consciousness – which is in truth one of the secrets of human success – is questioned in the most dangerous way. But since ignorance is no guarantee of security, and in fact only makes our insecurity still worse, it is probably better despite our fear to know where the danger lies.

Jung asked the question, and let it follow by intuitively felt concern though not by an answer: 

To ask the right question is already half the solution of a problem. At any rate we then know that the greatest danger threatening us comes from the unpredictability of the psyche’s reactions. Discerning persons have realized for some time that external historical conditions, of whatever kind, are only occasions, jumping-off grounds, for the real dangers that threaten our lives. These are the present politico-social delusional systems. We should not regard them casually, as necessary consequences of external conditions, but as decisions precipitated by the collective unconscious.

It seems that Jung had World communism / Totalitarianism / Bolshevism in mind; for national-socialism’s upsurge, as some scholars have brought to light, Jung had only an attitude of sympathy and did not describe it as a delusional system; with Judeo-Christianity he felt an urge to part.


My thesis, then, is as follows: In addition to our immediate consciousness, which is of a thoroughly personal nature and which we believe to be the only empirical psyche (even if we tack on the personal unconscious as an appendix), there exists a second psychic system of a collective, universal, and impersonal nature which is identical in all individuals. This collective unconscious does not develop individually, but is inherited. It consists of pre-existent forms, the archetypes...

“Pre-existent” means since the emergence of the human race. 

I wonder what you, the Reader, et al, consider just what Socialism really is, and just how this institutional religion of Economics, and "Government" (an elite dominating Power Cult) management, fit into your contemporaneous schema of things.

Let me start by saying that the structure of the Economics Industry / Profession is like the Vatican; an overall structure and hierarchical organization, which believes it is the center of the Universe (Catholic, sic) and its “wisdom” comes from no other but the only Supreme Authority (which collaborates directly, and only, with Economists). 

This eye rolling Cult Supremo, with their swinging pots of smoking incense, Gold Chains and Ermine Robes, whatever, comprises of perhaps hundreds of "Christian-like" autonomous Cults which tend to be seen to fly the same flag, publicly, when convenient, but more generally engaging in subterfuge, continually and consistently, as Policy, in order to eventually get into the '"ear"-of-ultimate-power' for the purpose of self agenda and profit; typically expressed as some tortured version of barbaric Totalitarianism.

Economics: Short version: Economics is the business of institutional religion, structured and organized for purposes of Totalitarian Control, in order to imperceptibly harvest the productivity of the proto-Human Capital for purposes of their (the Banking System) Power and Profit, ad infinituum, with the least amount of effort /work. Indeed, Pluralism, as stated.

These type organizations function by the prohibition of human evolution through the impositions of false Dogma and falsified Myth onto the trusting and gullible. History records this in stone; devolution of Humanity, is it's witness. 

Economics, is just another Priesthood of Ignorance.


Empire: Extract

“The size of government has increased from 20 percent of GDP to over 36 percent of GDP in 70 years. This fact of gradual increase in the size of government is called here creeping socialism, which has occurred also in other Western countries." 

"In a cross-sectional study of 40 countries over a recent 10-year period, it was shown empirically that, on average, increasing socialism leads to decreasing economic growth(Sy, 2015c). This observation holds true longitudinally also for the US economy in the years since the WW2, as the following chart shows.” 

“In summary, the cause of growing US government budget deficits is not primarily due to increases in government consumption, as is often assumed, but is due principally to growing unfunded transfer payments in social security, Medicare, Medicaid, unemployment and other social welfare payments. Wealth transfer through social welfare payments is the hallmark of socialism. Clearly, this policy does not represent American capitalism as it is commonly understood nor is it neoliberalism of neoclassical economics – it is socialism. “

“In brief, American saving has been borrowed by the government and spent on social welfare to increase consumption. The fact that increased consumption has not resulted in increased economic growth, due to the Keynesian fallacy, means that American saving is at risk in the sense that, in future, the US government may not fully fulfill, i.e. default on, its promises to its savers and pensioners."

Thesis: Socialism is the driven unnatural tendency towards Totalitarianism, which, in the most ancient of times at the birth of Life itself, was that which is today referred to by Psychoanalysts, as the 'Collective Unconscious', found as the primitive, even primary, default mechanism in all men equally, to be overcome / defeated through the Catharsis of evolution and Individual self-determination; a natural Principle.


Greenspan: "The abandonment of the gold standard made it possible for the welfare statists to use the banking system as a means to an unlimited expansion of credit…In the absence of the gold standard, there is no way to protect savings from confiscation through inflation."

Capitalism, the short version: The Right of Human Beings (includes, proto-Humans) to exchange property without interference. Under such definition, every deal is a good deal which brings values to Society - unless, there are the middleman e.g. Tax Man, Banker, Government, Agent, other bodies and all other, unproductive parasites, as it is today.

“By virtue of exchange, one man's prosperity is beneficial to all others”. - Frederic Bastiat

Democracy: The ordained imposed false belief of Right of the proto-Human to Vote for a political representative that will steal the result of other peoples productivity, of individual and collective, physical and intelligence, efforts, so that they may remain idle in comfort and ease. In other words, to survive where not normally possible; it is a technology captured by the political adept and called correctly, in its own right, bribery, and racketeering.

Socialism: The above describes Socialism well, but hence, this mandate is brought into Law and empowers those representatives, aka as "Government", to steal from those that don't empower them and give to those which do. This natural extension is to steal from all that produce and give as little as possible to others, until the next delusional "democratic" election. Nothing new here, being the forced re-distribution of the energies of the productive to the unproductive (in return for voting in favour of the re-distributor).


Keynes: "Practical men, who believe themselves to be quite exempt from any intellectual influences, are usually the slaves of some defunct economist. Madmen in authority, who hear voices in the air, are distilling their frenzy from some academic scribbler of a few years back."

Indeed, but why? 

Plato obfuscates and Aristotle denies; Socrates stood firm and for this, he died; happily. 

The answer lies herein: 

Man, or the proto-Human, has not yet evolved to the Human Being. In the proto-Human, the urge of the Collective is ever present. Eric Hoffer calls this the "True Believer". Those who come under the embrace of the Collective (Plato's Cave), that is to say, the proto-Human, or the unevolved, are mentally, or cognitively, under the, a priori, influence of the "Collective Consciousness" (Blueler, Freud, Jung, Velikovsky, et al) and hence, not fully in command of their own thoughts and actions; if at all.

As a consequence, a neurotic and crazed state of mind can and does emerge constantly on the World stage of "elite leadership", when stresses contort the sensitivities and limits of those 'incompetent unaccomplished'.

Can this not be observed daily in Global and domestic affairs?


“My thesis, then, is as follows: In addition to our immediate consciousness, which is of a thoroughly personal nature and which we believe to be the only empirical psyche (even if we tack on the personal unconscious as an appendix), there exists a second psychic system of a collective, universal, and impersonal nature which is identical in all individuals. This collective unconscious does not develop individually, but is inherited. It consists of pre-existent forms, the archetypes. ..." Jung


Then, there is the fact, that all life specie are innately empowered, as attributes, only by subjectivity: that is to say, self-survival, and distrust; Survival, a priori, if one prefers; the Theory of Objectivity in unevolved humanity cannot and does not pass the test of time and as a consequence, does not exist in the affairs of the proto-Human, or apparent civilization today; yet. 

As such, the proto-Human although being forged, has not yet been steeled; a Singing Sword, as yet, far from it's Song being composed.

The proto-Human suffers the vagaries of trauma collectively past; Fear, and all its fates of circumstances, constantly under attack by emotion and imagination; hate, 'tribal nationalism' (Arendt), lack of integrity, lost in the swirling energies of the cyclone and the prevailing guilt of unknown sexuality and its deep repressions, tortures and terrors.

And then:

“A neurotic state results from triggering an explosive precipitate inherited from ancestral generations. Early trauma-defence-latency-outbreak of neurotic illness-partial return of the repressed. Such is the formula which we have laid down for the development of a neurosis.“

For those which embrace the Collective - the non-thinking acceptance state; any Collective belief as their raison d'être, has, as their default functional consciousness, an immediate fall-back position into and dominated by the 'Collective Unconscious' a primitive and ancient belief system, originating in the time prior to vocal communications; from the beginning of Life itself. Accordingly, this 'Collective Unconscious' has not evolved; does not evolve, belonging to the most ancient of times. It remains however, a Life default mechanism.

While the added dangers being the neurosis, remain ever present, that paranoia and intensive fear is of all that is confronted. In other words, hence induced, as all becomes dread resulting in extreme perversion and irrational, cruel, barbaric, insane and evil inhuman behaviours that have escaped the Catharsis of evolution in feedback looping - over the experiential development of humanity of ages in the millennia of History. 

Velikovsky suggests that we are on the cusp of Nuclear Annihilation. As today, we can observe all these neuroses being played out openly and publicly, confidence walks with those that share Velikovsky's fears and sentiments.

Are these neuroses not being played out in the exact identical form in many nations today; from Israel, Palestine, Syria, Ukraine, USA, Sweden, Germany, Mexico, Libya, Egypt and many, many others?


Can this Thesis be denied?

Is it not incontrovertible that the insanities and irrationalities in our behaviours, which include the most despicable of murders, rapes, genocides, tortures, bombings, executions, pedophilia, beheading, etc., etc., etc., are from the same library of our evil, sadistic, primitive, barbaric, and repressed psychotic inheritance?

No matter to what Collective devil the proto-Human belongs, and sells his soul to, this 'Collective Unconscious' is identically distributed. It also comes with the same set of perversions in behaviours when engaged by Fear, across all belief boundaries, notwithstanding. Today, everywhere we look, this is blatantly apparent; no matter which nation, which village; which institutional religion; which governing authority; insanity, which race, which football team, which political Party - these irrationalities are pervasively identical.

This most primitive default mindset known as the 'Collective Unconscious' is Totalitarianism.

Totalitarianism being the primitive urge of the Collective.

In the Book of Genesis, YHVH shows Adam, translated correctly as Humanity, out of the Garden, so as to make himself - by his own hand.

This act is the door to Evolution! Mankind has been told to evolve!

Special Note: The Book of Genesis is an anthropological work of human meta-physics, unequaled by any scientific work produced since, when read as correctly translated and interpreted. It is estimated to have be conceived originally well before the 4th. Millennium BCE in a text known as the Hebraic, yet unknown in literacy, by any person by Circa 2000 BCE. A most ancient yet perfect form of the written idiom.


What has this to do with Economics?

Answer: Everything. And, it is of Physics ("science" being the insufficient popular term) and not of mathematics, that will provide the Key.

If Economics is to become useful to humanity, collectively to civilization; to the future of evolved mankind, Economics must become Objective, and then will make a Pact with Humanity - and Humanity with it. For this, Humanity, ie Mankind, needs to evolve to its status of Human Being; Homo sapiens sapiens. Economics must embrace Physics, as well as History, to this end.

This state begins as a Republic (of Law). But, not a Republic where the Economist (and their ilk; priests, cronies and toadies) make the Laws and re-distribute the wealth of productivity and elects the non-elite of humanity as the Capital of the so-called 'elite'. All men are to be respected as individuals and stand themselves as Individuals, to live and die by their own hand, responsible to themselves. No classes, no Collectives, no preferences; all equal in the "eye" of the Law. The Individual is responsible for the Individual. Respect. Family comes first. The Global Environment; the Atmosphere, the Water, the Oceans and the Lands, needs to be cleansed of the filth of our pollution, as our Minds.

Emphasis: I do not speak of Communism, where the "State" is prioritized over Humanity. Not at all, a priori.

A Republic which fails to recognize that active, and intentional Socialism is the devolution of Society and Humanity by way of returning the cognitive intelligence of its peoples into the primitive default 'Collective Unconsciousness' mechanism, criminally, condemns all men. Or, Socialism is the 'Collective Unconscious'. It is Devolution. It is crasse political ignorance and criminal intent. "Ignorance is no excuse of the Law".

As available in the below relevant reference material, and noted within this text, in excerpt, the USA has devolved economically, cognitively and spiritually. The reason is its shift to Socialism. There is now no Respect; there are only Lies and Denial. The USA has transited from a Constitutional Republic to a failed Empire.

What does it matter if the USA collapses and what does this mean?

Answer: Not much; Life goes on.

Power will vacate the US financial centres and will move (is moving) to the GMT +8 Longitude from Vladivostok in Russia (a warm water Port in Winter) to Perth in Australia (an efficient supplier of Iron Ore and Copper). This is the USA collapse, apart from the shouting, looting and social restructuring.

Along this time-line, China will build (is building) High-speed Rail infrastructure throughout the World, managed from Beijing. Shanghai, Hong Kong, Singapore will provide (are providing) the specialist financial services; a 100 year project that will bring growth and prosperity - in a myriad of forms, to the whole World.

Europe will be soon (hopefully) able to break the USA vassal death grip and join with Russia and China for a trans-European adventure without participating in US war mongering; a constant practice since the 1940's.

The USA will divest itself of its current infestation of insane and devolved irrational “leadership”, and all that hangs off it - including its crazed "pay to play" racketeering and protection racket, political system. The USA will eventually differentiate its own domestic evolution into similar Principles with which it emerged – its Constitution.

Why? How, the Reader asks? 

Simple really. The USA retains its unique Constitution, Preamble and Bill of Rights; the most magnificent Declaration of Independence, of Human Rights and of Human Dignity ever created in the written History of Mankind. This expression of great Intellect was, and remains; evidence of potential Human Greatness and capability (momentarily lost to capture and intended destruction by psychotic throwbacks and lesser barbaric relics of devolved lesser men). Yet, this Human Declaration still remains extant, and will work its greatness, yet again, for the Spirit of the Freeman in Evolution and in Liberty and Justice for all.

Expect the USA to be the "Phoenix Rising" - after 40 Years hence



Today, Fear and the extremisms of Cowardice define Humanity. Here

Mathematics do not predict; mathematics describe.

Models are extrapolations, false assumptions and as such, mostly meaningless.

Physics is founded in Principles while Causation is a constant.

Experience builds the Intuitive centre of the Humanity, which together with the Animistic centre, builds the Intellect, from where the proto-Human claims his manhood as a Human Being; a Man Accomplished. This is the natural Physics of Human evolution, as explained and written in ancient text. The Life Process.


Are there too many vested interests in the current criminal mismanagement of the global affairs of humanity to expect any opportunity to even begin to build an appropriate "economics" system before the current racketeering and protection schemes collapse? 

Yet, collapse they must, and collapse, eventually, they will.

Humanity has a history of burning the Messenger that they call "Heretic". While, "they", this elite "economist", would far prefer a nuclear global holocaust prior to having their credentials challenged or their Banking System de-legitimized. This being due solely to the unevolved state of Humanity, and their preferences of 'Recursive Scamming' (looting) of the proto-Human "they" consider as "Capital".

Until, the evolving Humanity of Objectivity orientation can come forward without fear of death by burning, and worse, as the norm in the affairs of men, mankind will continue to evolve towards Total Nuclear Extermination of all Life on Earth through Final Annihilation.

In order to avoid this insanity, Humanity need only, simply evolve.

If we want to do this; we will do this.

To be, or Not to be, this is indeed the Question - Here

Saturn Pole

"No measure taken within the limits of such unconsciousness can resolve the pseudo-problem of the welfare state, itself a symptom of our collective mental illness. The root of the illness, namely, our infantile and murderous collective unconsciousness, is what needs treatment."


Academia 1 Pluralism of Cognitive Dissonance Here

Academia 2 Creeping American Socialism Here

Academia 3 Corporate Socialism and Hollowing of America  Here

Entropy: Here

Velikovsky, Immanuel, Mankind in Amnesia

Arendt, Hannah, The Origins of Totalitarianism

de Souzenelle, Annick, The Body and Its Symbolism

Engel, Pierre, Adam and Eve, The Solar Temptation

Mandelbrot, Benoit, The Misbehaviour of Markets

d'Olivet, Fabre, The Sepher of Moses

Weininger, Otto, Sex and Character

Hoffer, Eric, The True Believer

Solar System

About Me

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I am now considered too old to be of further threat but I have survived three institutional attempts to prematurely end my life during my career. The current Global Systemic Collapse (GSC), better described as a 'global leadership collapse' (GLC), is a socio-economic phase-transition brought about by the total failure of global "leadership", to find even the most basic of foresight and compassionate sensitivities to balance the imbalances and injustices that they have wrought on the World. Governments' are now attempting to create an exclusive risk-free corporate environment. This delusional ideology of pure insanity, cannot sustain. This sought "risk-free' corporate banking environment is to be achieved by transferring all risk and all financial losses to the tax-payers (“Main Street”) while maintaining a highly secretive cabal of global elites and ruling politician and bankers. The simple truth is that our "Economic Theory" is a fatally flawed, faith-based farce, and "leadership" do not have the necessary intelligence nor intellect to confront the issues du jour. There are now only Heretics and Fools, but, there is always a “choice”.