it is indeed true that the past impacts our future, but only if treated in the correct qualitative manner, that is, where value is created. Current data and information from the present moment also impacts our future and again, requires proper treatment. How we interact with data and information is critical. This interaction must be qualitative within the strict rules of complicity that ensures experiential creation, or in terms of the esoteric, that we ourseves become of, as well as create - from unity to multiplicity in accord with the Osirian Cycle. Throw down the seven dice in order to establish the measure of the whole.
The Earth is emiting gamma rays (TGR) at energy levels at those from neutron stars and blacks holes (if such things exist) to frequency of around 50 every day. Magik.
Go Here
The significance of the above observations is Earth shaking (to utilize some editorial license), yet this announcement creates not one ripple in our scientific community. It is an observable confirmation of the Osirian Cycle.
No, it does not mean that Earth is a "black hole' - more applicably it
means that our institutional science is a black hole of ignorance
being based on priesthood, dogma, compartmentalized consensus and superstition. But then again, "black holes' only exist in the delusional minds of our nescient priests.
The above observation is a turning point of civilization. Our living
Earth speaks; it is alive and I am sure it is reporting its pain and
suffering at the hands of madmen, those crazed political evangelists’ intent on their apocalypse of their hand. The Universe is alive. Lovelock, may he rest in peace, is truly vindicated this day! Gaia lives.
Now, it is time to rebuild our civilization from the ashes in which we find ourselves today and to begin this process, we must study our past. Not that past of the last c. 2,000 years; that past before our current Age of Pisces and certainly not through the eyes of our pious priests of church, bureaucracy and body politic, which have been the wolves guarding the sheep for long enough, but through the fresh young eyes of those with the joyful love of wisdom, joy of life, compassion and responsibility. We need integrity upon which to build for the generations yet to come and those embalmed with the alchemy of this current era need to be laid to rest in their decadent temples of usury and despair.
Then, to begin, we must remember in our attempted interpretation of ancient texts that there are a number of issues that need to be kept in view until that time that the clarity of what we are ingesting, explodes throughout our mental being; that doorway which leads to our destiny. Also remember that the processes of the stomach and the brain follow the same rules. The rest will follow.
These problematic areas are as follows:
1. The interpretation by the translator(s) of language structure and usage, colloquial alignment, word choice and common usage to that of the original writers. This includes nouns and verbs in particular.
2. The state of the mind, i.e. contextual specialization of the interpreters, if any; the understanding of the logic, theme, subject, etc., of the work being translated, that is, the proper choice of terms and words within the context of the original author. One should accept that the translators and/or interpreters where mainly simply clerks and scribes that understood nothing of what they were engaged upon or, and also, that those so engaged were under direction to change meanings to suit a newly arising deterministic dogma of political persuasion. Later works by independent “academics’, must begin by reviewing the credentials and biases of each involved individual.
3. The ancient mindset or the epistemic logic and the integrity of the ancient Egyptian sages can be accepted as qualitative but only if the origination is from ancient Egypt, at least where the original message was being penned or originated in whatever format. Accept that the translation process was derived from a qualitative nature, that is without merit, or with agenda - as it could not be otherwise even if original materials are obtained. As the epistemic neurological processes of current men is purely quantitative - a state of major disparities leading to discrepancies between the two types of processes and their outputs (one being superficial and the other, qualitative, that is, the latter being encapsulated in terms of density and volume or value. So much so, in fact, that only those few individuals with integrity have partially succeeded where our “institutional” approach still cannot understand or fathom what was written or even meant by these sages. From this, one must acknowledge that our "science" today, is really not of much worth, or merit, trivial and mostly of little value - at the most.
However, the layers of meaning, that is the constructive play of words; nouns and verbs within each section of ancient text, that which we have not destroyed in our pious ignorance and a priori destructive determinism, are organized in a suite of interconnected and inter-related organizations and structures which appear to resolve in essentially analogical algorithms as follows:
A. The top layer, that is, the essential foundation and basis of philosophy is entrenched in the analytical but, of the recorded and dedicative observations of the movements of stars and planets, over periods exceeding thousands of years. Observation and cycles.
B The second layer appears to be diffused from the observations of
active real-time plasma events from the earliest of periods which actually formed the structure and basic organization behind life itself as well as the creation of language, philosophy, science, agriculture, architecture, culture, tradition and social ideas.
C. The third layer appears to attach to mythology of various locations
obviously at that time current in the surround belief systems of
villages and folk lore.
D. The next layer appears to be a connection or analogical reference to the then current (of or around the time of originating) events of some popular importance and significance, that is to say, a good indicator of the state of the then current consciousness, both in language structure and usage, while also being a support of memory in the learning processes of men.
E. Next we see, the fable construct, that is, in the first part, the
training of memory pitch at levels easily understood at that time, the connectivity and continuance of theme; the rhythm, tone, pitch in phase with a non differentiation of mind; or if you prefer, the structure of poem or song or story assisted by supports from
significant tales and beliefs of culture and tradition. That is folk lore.
Evocation at different levels on the epistemic scale being in multiple terms being a priori. And, above all, the temples of the ancient Egyptians were 'living' schools, universities and the like for the training of men while supporting further enquiry.
F. We next see a philosophical construct being developed in parallel
now, that is from the Egyptian end of antiquity, built not upon dogma but entrenched in the continuum of the phase in which Earth and its inhabitants and the surrounding visible cosmos itself found themselves juxtaposed and analyzed comparatively to the zodiacal history of observation known to reside in the Library of Alexandria. Thus
renewal, at the time of each epochal change experienced (from what was accepted a priori as cosmic events which obviously and clearly brought significant changes to the local environments and peoples on Earth), of philosophy, though change, was a critical factor in Egyptian practice; in ritual, tradition, culture, temple and social interaction.
G. And, then we see, all within the same suite of writings (each section or block of text), prophecy and the revelation, which is being based on all of the above relevant structures and founded in the phases (cycles) measured upon the zodiac itself. The zodiac is a key, not just to that to which it refers but to that which its existence implies and infers. An historical scale, which is so hoary with antiquity, its origins have been lost, but believed to have existed further back that 25,000 years from current and should be considered as possibly originating around 80,000 years old, or far earlier. It serves as, at the time of the ancient texts and writings, the measure of phases of the consciousness in men, that is to say, the evolution of consciousness, both in men and in Man and was/is obviously, the scale that measured the location of Earth within its orbit(s) within our galaxy called the Milky Way. Of this, it is clear and that this total orbit being of approximately 27,000 Earth years, had been completed at least 12 times before today and so witnessed by men. One should expect that perhaps life on Earth, in the form of homo sapien, is probably more likely in terms of millions of years.
G. All this where, as the Egyptian philosophy goes, as below, so above, or whatever; men (the consciousness thereof) evolved, on Earth - in part (or multiplicity, that is existence), as Man evolved in heaven (in Unity, that is, in creativity). And, that men would become God,
the son of Man on Earth, that is, both the God that is created and the
creator of Man (that which both is created and creates); leaving Man (in Unity now)God on Earth.
This is called the Osirian Cycle which clearly applies purely and specifically to the basic logic of the functional universe. In terms of cause and effect, as above so below and indeed to all matters,
functions, processes, logics, mathematics, correspondences, relationships (Time), both on Earth and throughout the Universe. This prime Universal Principle was later called Kristos and then later, alternatively Christ. It originated in Horus and the variety of the Horian phases. It was then humanized by the Greeks and then by Rome, it was personified. Then, this Universal Principle, scientific law (found by scientific observation and deduction over thousands of years), was immediately henceforth crucified on the cosmic cross, that relationship between cause and effect itself, i.e. between acorn and oak, so as to support the Church of Rome in its inspirational incorporation as a dominant force of hierarchical political dependency (read: ruling institution by a mandate from heaven), that desired to subjugate all men on the basis of 'fear' alone. These were the new priests, those of a new emergent type of mentality belonging to the Age of Pisces; that is the ones that represented the emergent mentality of the analytical, static, quantitative, or technological (not scientific) and destructive function in men. The unlearned ones of the outer temple.
H. That which leads us to the final layer, that few see, and that which represents the essential, a priori, science of all this whole sagacity and its deterministic construction; that is, the scientific observance of the Laws of Cause and Effect; how it impacted humanity and how it could be taught to all, whereby, each individual, according to his/her place on the epistemological scale, could absorb the realities of these multilayered methods of teaching offered by a responsible central government. It is clearly indicated evidentially, that the teaching methods as well as the social definitions of 'values' and the application of ‘value’ economics, that is social rendering, through the instilling of innate and essential values, a priori, were contained in all matters before the men of the state. Much of this we see, albeit misinterpreted and totally misunderstood, perhaps in oversight, still contained unimportantly within the three main religions (read: political binding mechanisms) today.
So you ask why it is that only few may see.
It is because that mindset, that epistemic nature, that neurological structuring, that evolutionary stepping in men, the analogue, needs to be instilled and put in place, by each individual, and with analytical, that is conscious self-acknowledgement prior to its further development; call it a level
of self imposed and acceptable maturity. Those of ancient times developed this ability, and taught it in their temples and those skills were obviously maintained for many millenia.
This unique mental state is highly qualitative as well as being also quantitatively developed (to a biological and neurological level). It is the starting point for a new functional mentality whereby the left hemisphere (today's dominant) is ensyssioned synthetically and synchronistically, that is functionally and holistically enhanced, with that conjoined right hemisphere in a fully functional and naturally evolved neurological operation system centered upon the human heart. This is the next step; however, it is in play!
What can one expect the view from here to be you may ask?
As you look back down/back the view will not pretty! Ignorance: evil: stupidity: wonderment: confusion. The view ahead will be clear, stable, wondrous, compelling, simple, revealing, and logical (a new logic). There will no "divine" or "holy" or "hallelujah"; no elements of ‘awe’; no understanding, just comprehension and no complexity. For here, the individual, being respectful and compassionate, is connected to the whole and as such vibrates and resonates as an impulse in harmony with the vital energies of the whole Universe as he becomes aware that the parts (multiplicity) always are one with the Unity - this is real science. This is how we will speak, and act; with values. This is awareness and functional consciousness. This is Man.
Suddenly you will see that 'words' are vital and whole and hence important; imperatives. You will see that everything is energy; that you are energy; that today's fashionable morality is ignorance and can never be justification for judgment or condemnation. Suddenly you will find simplicity; qualitative simplicity that arises from infinite complexity to a temporal singular 'value' term (logos) known to be known, by experiential processing within the governance of the heart.
And you find the difference between qualitative and quantitative or the difference between a good wine and a lousy vinegar sold as an excellent wine; you will see that today’s "excellence" is purely ‘spun’ mediocrity; you will see that lies are lies, war kills our children, and that death is the solution of ferals; fools and "evil doers", "war presidents", politicians, bureaucrats and priests.
See with your heart and not just with your eyes. As memory dies as your body rots and decomposes, memory is no longer important; what is important is that you become that which you were destined to become, before you die, that is, the completed process of a aprt of life.
Our future is in our hands; the past lessons to be learnt and not for dogma to become ideologue. Life is for living but not for living in fear, as fear is death.
Every man has his own destiny; his own function. Reach out and live your destiny and do not become the vassal of any man that tells you otherwise.