Boethius - Anicius Manlius Severinue, De Consolatione Philosopiae:
Now see that mind that searched and made
All Nature's hidden secrets clear
Lie prostrate prisoner of night.
His neck bends low in shackles thrust,
And he is forced beneath the weight
To contemplate - the lowly dust.
Go now, ye strong, where the exalted way
Of great example leads. Why hang you back?
Why turn away? Once earth has been surpassed
It gives the stars…
For here the King of kings holds sway,
The reins of all things hold tight,
Unmoving moves the chariot fast,
The lord of all things shinning bright…
To whose high gaze is all unfurled,
Matter's dense solidity,
And cloudy night's obscurity.
What is, what was, what is to be,
In one swift glance His mind can see.
All things by Him alone are seen,
And Him the true sun we should deem.
All Nature's hidden secrets clear
Lie prostrate prisoner of night.
His neck bends low in shackles thrust,
And he is forced beneath the weight
To contemplate - the lowly dust.
Go now, ye strong, where the exalted way
Of great example leads. Why hang you back?
Why turn away? Once earth has been surpassed
It gives the stars…
For here the King of kings holds sway,
The reins of all things hold tight,
Unmoving moves the chariot fast,
The lord of all things shinning bright…
To whose high gaze is all unfurled,
Matter's dense solidity,
And cloudy night's obscurity.
What is, what was, what is to be,
In one swift glance His mind can see.
All things by Him alone are seen,
And Him the true sun we should deem.