September 26, 2015

Economics, Power, and Evolution

Complexity is quantitative extrapolation, and is well known as confusion since ancient days, where evolution in physics demanded qualitative simplicity; a symbol
which is only found in Truth at all dimensions.

After the Beginning,
Law trumped Reason.
Power trumped Law.
And what, pray tell,
will trump Power?
I say unto you, that only Law,
Universal Law, will trump Power (again),
this Law,
is the Law of "Critical Mass".


ISAIAH 41:10

The Problem and the Solution in simple terms of one word: "Truth".

As an observer of humanity, I see a Sea Change looming. A major shift in human circumstances and the direction of global civil society. We have linked the monetary and financial industries, into our human values at system level; nay, we have made the markets the very essence of our being. The result is impacting the lives of all traumatically, and,to many, will bring hard fate.

What has not been discussed in commentary and more importantly with ourselves is the essence of the human being, where, through validation by honest scientific knowledge, that which can only be the method to hold the center, is phenomenal integrity.

Our problem, simply put, is the LACK of truth in managing our affairs, and dealing with reality, and ourselves.

The solution to our situation, again, simply put, is "TRUTH".

We must STOP lying to ourselves, lying to others, and lying about the facts of our monetary, financial and banking affairs and fundamentals. We must emerge from our "Denial". Today, everything, everything is a government sponsored LIE.

The simple solution to our impending disaster, and to our future, is to switch from a priori LIES, to the TRUTH.


Let me state here categorically that the phenomena which controls the affairs of Humanity upon the face of this planet is Power. Power occurs in Collectives. Collectives are not individuals. Power is numerically dependent and therefore expansive, All governments are consumed by Power. Power is as a single celled amoeba and its driving will is growth and survival. Power doesn't think, its body, comprised of consumed members supply the intelligence for its protection. Power, is not of Humanity but it grows out of the tribal collective instinct to band together for security and happiness. Plato wrote of the collective in his allegory of the Cave. Genesis in its parable of Moses, warns against the collective while describing the metaphysics for growth from the proto-human to the accomplished Human Being, the Individual.

In other words: Power rules. There are many Power collectives. A Power collective is made from a myth, or a common belief system that is corrupted logically and with reason for population control; this then becomes a 'false myth'. This collective is now to become a cult where the captured and corrupted belief system becomes the binding attraction through dogma, ritual and rites. A leader is proclaimed and then as the numbers grow, so does Power. Power consumes and preys on the youth for indoctrination, and the expansion of Power has begun.  As Power grows, so does its influence. Power has no need of riches or gold or assets. Power is only driven by growth through expansion of the numeric sum of its membership, over time. Power is defeated only by loss of its membership believers. Power has no morals and no ethics. Power is the binding force of the corrupted.

Power is what drives tribal nationalism. Power is irrational and totally without conscience. Power is totalitarianism. Power is the sum total of the voluntary total subservience of the individual humans' will to a non-human collective force, which is a priori, hostile to the individuality of Humanity. The driving dynamics of Power is politicization of the cult. There is nothing else.

Today, Power rules Humanity. Power is a phenomenal entity.

I believe that it is instructive for those that wish to begin to understand  Power, and here, in particular “economics”, with all its duplicitous definitions , schools, theories, and mired terminologies, as well as our totally ignorant, ill-informed, uneducated, illiterate, corrupted, oppressive, theft oriented - a priori, forms of governance (read Power), that are, all coercive political states of totalitarianism - for the benefit of a select few, by beginning with the smallest element in the human domain; this being the biological cell.

The life form known as the human being, but more appropriately and scientifically correct, the proto-human, is said to consist of ~70 trillion cells, more or less, which includes many varieties of specialized cells with specific functionalities, the latter, which make up the necessary family of whole body organs, such as liver, heart, spleen, kidney, etc. Each cell contains the nature of the whole body life form, known her as Humanity. Each cell functions its interactions and exchanges with other cells, that is to say, within its milieu, primarily by the external 'Receptors' which receive external signal and transmit these signal to the internal 'Effectors'.The Effectors translate, interpret and adapt these signals into “food” desired and needed by the cell and internal components. Interestingly enough, "food" in ancient text was the symbol / term used for 'knowledge'.

Here then is “economics” - at the cellular level. Here is “capitalism” or free-exchange, and here then is also, socialism, communism and totalitarianism, all, albeit naturally found in cellular behaviour, within the proto-human. Intrinsic and innate economics, one could say. As above, so below.

“Democracy”as is more often than not quoted as the desired state of human governance, is no more than the opportunistically imposed delusion on the trusting and gullible. Please note that the Constitutional Republic of the USA was intentional not established as a democracy, as in evidence in the various Preambles.

Knowledge by itself, is a useless artifact, unless interacted with complicitly. This complicit interacted with, evolves new unique elements and / or events. However, the interacting elements of knowledge and the other(s) elements need also to be uniquely different, otherwise ,  'incest', occurs and a breakdown in the evolutionary chain is created.

Humanity has the unique capability of being able to interact cognitively with the past. This is to say, with history. I don't refer to those accounts of human fantasy and delusion written by the egos and vanities of victors, scoundrels, villains, liars and all those that fawn before them for favour and riches, that today, passes for history.

Hence, the individual evolution of the proto-human is achieved by this complicit interaction with history. This not taught in the schools and Universities of Power. All our political cults, that is to say, Power; those that rule and including all that hangs off them, rule by ignorance; albeit for purposes driven by ego and vanity, for self-agenda, wealth, riches and for the trappings of Power, in which they find themselves. This is the reward for serving Power.

Ignorance rules due to the fact that until 'man the unaccomplished', that is the proto-human,. begins to evolve to his Intellect by removing himself from Plato's Cave, the collective, the animistic and intuitive centres of his physiological system remain emotionalize stunted and unformed, and thereby without the perspective of universal reality. And, when this occurs as now, evolution rots from the top down. This is “trickle-down”economics”, that is “devolution”, that which is now occurring globally.

Now, in the biological cell and its nature and functionality, does one see the middleman, the interventionist, that is to say, the Banking System? You may say “no”, but in fact, the Banking System, as all other interventionists are well represented in cellular biology. They are well represented and termed as “disease”. Cancer. Indeed.

Humanity needs a cure for this cancer.

But this cure comes from ridding ourselves of ignorance, which is brought about by education systems imposing “rote and Imitation”, as observed by Aristotle over two millennium past.

Humanity and its history derive from complicit events, knowledge, from hundreds and thousands of years ago; the Past. Even the myths of the Hero are of energies and causal events and represent knowledge that we may interact with, now in the Present and so to be projected into the Future.

Therefore I posit that our education systems must, a priori, be founded in the complicit interaction with knowledge from the Past, here in the Present and projected into the Future; tomorrow.

"The Great Depression, like most other periods of severe unemployment, was produced by government mismanagement rather than by any inherent instability of the private economy. ... Roosevelt's policies were very destructive. Roosevelt's policies made the depression longer and worse than it otherwise would have been."
-- Milton Friedman

The obvious fact is that those that make up "government" are a destructive force  borne out of ignorance and corrupted by Power, so as to impose their will - in any form that they can get away with, on the humanity that has given them the mandate to do so, accordingly. Power is numeric dependent. The proto-human cannot rule Humanity – either justly and/or competently.

It should be also noted that in Power, Power cares not who leads, and this due to the fact that Power itself leads, despite what individuals may think and say. Power is an unnatural force with its own agenda and no man nor group of men can control Power itself. But there is one cure for Power, and that is by the decline in the numerics that comprise the Power; which can be achieved through violence as of revolution. This is the only antidote to Power. Where this antidote can be achieved by education and a growing awareness of the wondrous future for Humanity possible in individual maturity toward Intellect. Internet is playing a major role in this evolutionary process but the Powers that Be (TPTB) are not pleased as they see the threat is both significant and real.

So, to be succinct, from the beginning of the emergence of evolving man, with his basic intelligence shared with all life forms, until reaching his evolutionary climax as Universal Intellect, and this process being cyclic, there transpired an enormous band of variation all of which is progressed through differentiation through complicity.

The essential fundamentals of "economics", this is to say, human behaviours, in their interactions within  their environments (milieu) is initially dictated by the necessity to acknowledge that man is an energized protoplasm comprising in excess of 70 Trillion cells, albeit of differing functionality. Man is formulated in the fusion of the material (biological) and the mind (spirit, if you will). Then there is the essential differences of the man particle, the male is the positive mode and the cathodic particle, that is the anti-particle, or feminine; both of which are of the same particle, but complementary.

The driving force of the man particle and anti-particle is similar in each but differently expressed; The positive male needs to grow its feminine part so that it is whole as 100% male and 100% female, and this is the same for the feminine particle, to become 100% feminine and 100% male. You may read 100% is the latter examples as 50% male and 50% feminine which comprise the evolved Human Being. This is androgynous, but where the male is male and the female, female, and not confused. Here be the road to Intellect, an Universal Principle.

The Prime Attributes of the male are: Memory and Penetration

The Prime Attributes of the female are: Volitile Will and Productivity

Please note that it is the growing of the above Principles as attributes in each particle that is meant by the process of androgynous achievement and not the emotional and physical sexual orientations.

All non-evolved human life forms today must be seen and viewed as evolving proto-human, that is to say, evolving unaccomplished but energized life forms without Intellect: Intellect being the goal of evolution. The proto-human being exists with intelligence (shared with all other life forms), limited morals, ethics, and stunted emotional maturity (each of a varying quality) and evolves cyclically towards the achievement of Intellect.

However, what is of the greatest importance to the economist should be the following Prime Principles innate in the two particles of Humanity:

1. the female will, a priori, prefer to posses before tasting, while
2. the male will, a priori, prefer to taste before possessing,

in all matters. I speak generally due to the wide variation in the evolutionary scale experienced throughout Humanity. The above two Principles are the causal originating behaviours of the cycles  ingrained  into humanities activities within the confines of the planetary cell.

In addition, there always comprises varying levels of what we call corruption in its full definition, in the affairs of the evolving proto-human. There is always, and must be, degrees in the levels of corruption. As Proudhon states, "we are born Perfectible but we shall never be perfect".

The study of "violence" and "collectives" and the numerics of "Power" make up important factors in the consideration of the irrationality in the  the affairs of the proto-human.

In terms of Marx and his emphasis on Labour: Labour as it makes social gains and becomes more comfortable, changes its behaviours and becomes far less susceptible to revolution. Hegel emphasized the Mind but both he and Marx erred, as the human condition is of both Labour and Mind and in a dynamic state of evolution.

As for “violence”, be it known that the human condition naturally revolts against hypocrisy, unless it has already devolved through fear, imposed in a false collective of ignorance founded on false myths and politicized cults. Violence can destroy Power by lessening the numerics that comprise Power.

There are many such cults dominant in global humanity today, and all, or most, are destructive to natural evolution of the species. This is disease and the cancer of Humanity that must be learned and cured.

The accomplished Human Being will have the potential of Infinite possibility, in probability, subject only to "Circumstance" (Capital) and computable uncertainty, or Risk. By mitigating or by completely removing Risk, one destroys Humanity while beforehand, completely distorting the fabric of civilization.

As I have said, power is numerically dependent, and government is a seat of power. Power is therefore by nature, expansionist and  hence, governments will , a priori, seek growth in itself and its Power. Power corrupts the proto-human and government, in the hands of ignorance, will always be a vile but variant corruptive power that will always seek totalitarian control as its ends. The means will also vary. This is the very nature of Power.

Distrust, inherent in the human life form, is all that stops Humanity from destroying itself.

If the above matters do not become of serious consideration for those who consider themselves to be "Economists", then economics will always remain a failed cult of applied destructive ignorance, and never a science. But then, maybe, this too, can evolve?

That the FedRes cannot see where their ignorance is taking us , is unbelievable. A better explanation is that they know the game is over for the USA and they choose to be wrong conventionally and peer politically correct.  But this is Power in play, of a cult that is politicized and has clearly devolved.

Reference: Spontaneous Evolution: Bruce Lipton

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I am now considered too old to be of further threat but I have survived three institutional attempts to prematurely end my life during my career. The current Global Systemic Collapse (GSC), better described as a 'global leadership collapse' (GLC), is a socio-economic phase-transition brought about by the total failure of global "leadership", to find even the most basic of foresight and compassionate sensitivities to balance the imbalances and injustices that they have wrought on the World. Governments' are now attempting to create an exclusive risk-free corporate environment. This delusional ideology of pure insanity, cannot sustain. This sought "risk-free' corporate banking environment is to be achieved by transferring all risk and all financial losses to the tax-payers (“Main Street”) while maintaining a highly secretive cabal of global elites and ruling politician and bankers. The simple truth is that our "Economic Theory" is a fatally flawed, faith-based farce, and "leadership" do not have the necessary intelligence nor intellect to confront the issues du jour. There are now only Heretics and Fools, but, there is always a “choice”.