September 24, 2006

Autopoiesis - Naming the Universe(s)

Autopoiesis - Naming our Universe(s)

Now that the nature of the physics of the Universe(s) has been well established by Perratt (Plasma Universe) and Thornhill (Electric Universe), et al, there is now a need to name that process that unfolds the physical characteristics and which is consistent throughout the whole, including those processes which unfold and emerge here on our planet Earth.

This name already exists and it is Autopoiesis (see below).

The electrical relationship between matter and mass allows us to understand how quasars can be newborn objects that have low mass and brightness and high intrinsic redshifts. With time, their mass increases and their intrinsic redshift decreases in discrete quantum jumps. This shows that quantum effects also occur on a galactic scale. We know through the work of Harlton Arp that quasars eventually, at the time of their natural and threshold maturity, proceed to give birth to planets and stars and solar system within the confines and influence of the parents.

In terms of the human differentiation, it is well known that every 7 years or thereabouts, where all its body’s constituents undergo similar (analogically) transmutated transformations and change at subatomic and atom levels within observable and known ranges in both the physical and neurological characteristics and domains.

The concept of entropy was first proposed by Clausius in the nineteenth Century to refer to a property of all closed systems by which they lose their capacity for performing useful work. Another way of saying the same thing is to say that they are gradually transformed into their most probable state. This latter statement of the concept of entropy was formulated by Boltzmann. A third way to describe entropy is in terms of a decrease in the coherent information in a system. That is, the greater the coherent information in a system; the lower its entropy. The more chaotic and disorganized a system, the higher its entropy. This view was derived by Claude Shannon in the late 1940s and is mathematically equivalent to the other formulations of entropy.

There appears from the foregoing that there is strong evidence between mass, differentiation, entropy, and coherency between all closed systems in the Cosmos as well as and including in life organizations on Earth and indeed all emergent phenomenon. And, that such evolution is structured through quantum laws and cyclic – and what appears to us as a process of non-linear irrationality.

Life - a self-organization entity - represents Intelligence - an emergence phenomenon, constrained by contextuality and structured by complicity; a Universal evolutionary strategy or any emergent phenomenon which has the capacity of self-organization. (Author)

Self-organization is a process in which the internal organization of a system, normally an open system, increases in complexity without being guided or managed by an outside source. Self-organizing systems typically (though not always) display emergent properties.

Self-organization usually relies on four basic ingredients:
1. Positive feedback
2. Negative feedback
3. Balance of exploitation and exploration
4. Multiple interactions

Autopoiesis literally means "auto (self)-creation" and expresses a fundamental complementarities between structure and function. The term was originally introduced by Chilean biologists Francisco Varela and Humberto Maturana in 1973. We are well advised to note here the two processes in play or the essence of duality innate in all life processes which are discussed in other pages herein.

An autopoietic machine is a machine organized (defined as a unity) as a network of processes of production (transformation and destruction) of components which: (i) through their interactions and transmutations continuously regenerate and realize the network of processes (relations) that produced them; and (ii) constitute it (the machine) as a concrete unity in space in which they (the components) exist by specifying the topological domain of its realization as such a network." The space defined by an autopoietic system is self-contained and cannot be described by using dimensions that define another space.

The canonical example of an autopoietic system, and one of the entities that motivated Varela and Maturana to define autopoiesis, is the biological cell. The eukaryotic cell, for example, is made of various biochemical components such as nucleic acids and proteins, and is organized into bounded structures such as the cell nucleus, various organelles, a cell membrane and cytoskeleton. These structures, based on an external flow of molecules and energy, produce the components which, in turn, continue to maintain the organized bounded structure that gives rise to these components. More generally, the term autopoiesis refers to the dynamics of non-equilibrium or a non-equilibrium thermodynamic system; that is, organized states, sometimes also called dissipative structures, that remain stable for long periods of time despite matter and energy continually flowing through them.

Further discussions on the implications of cellular biology are best viewed here: Dr. Bruce Lipton as well as Dr. Rupert Sheldrake as well as within these pages.

The effect of the milieux and experience on evolution where nothing experienced or something not undergoing a process of experiential intellectual acknowledgment is intangible and immaterial. Heuristic awareness strongly implies an evolution of consciousness

The hermeneutic, Maietuc psychagogy involved Socrates (or other advanced teacher) helping another participant to give birth to realities from within him. Plato believed that the human soul possesses latent knowledge, which could be brought out and elucidated by a special kind of interchange which he called dialectic--a bringing to birth from the depths of a person's higher being. The maieutic art of Plato’s Socrates involved his drawing his interlocutors into stating and reflecting upon the implications of their uncritically held opinions and their joint examination of these opinions to see if they were stillborn or viable.

"Indeed, the secret of your system has just this instant dawned upon me. I comprehend the principle you use in communicating your questions. You lead me through the field of my own knowledge, and then by pointing out analogies to what I know, help me understand that I really know some realities which hitherto, as I believed, I had no knowledge of." Xenophon, Oeconomicus.

"Sufis believe that, expressed in one way, humanity is evolving to a certain destiny. We are all taking part in that evolution. Organs come into being as a result of the need for specific organs (Rumi). The human being's organism is producing a new complex of organs in response to such a need. In this age of the transcending of time and space, the complex of organs is concerned with the transcending of time and space. What ordinary people regard as sporadic and occasional bursts of telepathic or prophetic power are seen by the Sufi as nothing less than the first stirrings of these same organs. The difference between all evolution up to date and the present need for evolution is that for the past ten thousand years or so we have been given the possibility of a conscious evolution. So essential is this more rarefied evolution that our future depends upon it." Idries Shah: The Sufis

We have not yet arrived at our destiny but are truly on its Path.

September 07, 2006

The True Scientific Nature of the Universe(s)

1. Anthony Peratt of the Los Alamos Plasma Physics Laboratory, defines the physics of our Universe at his Plasma Universe Website, whereby, like everything we see, it develops, emerges, or rolls-out using the DL (Double Layers) charge separation plasma processes encapsulating similar and consistent characteristics which are of 'potential'(energetic); yet to be realized through energy interaction - or, that is to say, philosophically, that 'the dark is the custodian of the light' - whereas Wal Thornhill of The Electric Universe Theory, defines the physics (electric science) of the processes from dark to light. Work is light, or light is the signature of the complicit and energetically potential interaction of the elements of the dark (plasma).

2. There is now no doubt whatsoever, that there is/was no "Big Bang" but naught but a silent dawning where light slowly appears in dynamic and evolving processes evolving from the first movement, that first imbalance. The plasma DL quietly and naturally seals off its new dark domains of temporal space as electric fields, magnetic fields and electromagnetic fields, that advance to become of light. The term “Big Bang” originated from a jest made by Fred Hoyle.

3. We can assume with confidence that the whole of infinite 'space' is of consistent principles and of the ubiquitous stuff known as neutrinos as medium, while allowing for the divisional functionalities by plasma behavior to evolve by obeying the one and only set of Universal laws. 

4. Then more DL's, within "our" Universe develop or evolve due to the same scientific laboratory demonstrated principles of plasma and electric physics; each 'bubble' with its own characteristics within; its own relative 'time' and rate of relative emergent accelerations – as mutations, in definable quantum jumps and leaps.

5. And, where each isolated DL bounded space, e.g. sphere, tube, or torus, interacting at any and all locations throughout the whole of infinite Space, which includes also within each and every other DL sister in each bounded domain - all will be found obviously obeying the same laws as Peratt and Thornhill define so meticulously and thoroughly. 

6. The latter (5) applies from the highest levels of infinite space or Universe, right down into the 'sub-infinite' levels and will be the identical process (Principles) in every such "bubble' or Universe - whatever the scale and at all magnitudes from sun-infinite to infinite. 

7. And, as Quasars are borne, differentiate and flourish through the eons in quantum jumps and leaps, as Harlton Arp concludes from his exhaustive research in exile, each "world", or entity, obeys its own unique presence; in its own time and through its own evolutionary time scale based on its own specificities, its own natural preferences and its own characteristics. 

8. In regard to the above then, can we not state confidently that our planet Earth is also evolving in the same manner? Should we not then expect quantum change in the planet itself and all that which exists and thrives in its environmental garment, which is now so obvious from past observations of dinosaurs and buildings with huge unmovable (even until today) hewed stone blocks, fauna and flora, telluric activity, etc., as we appear to enter a period of "Global Warming"? 

9. We now need to redefine "life" from "... any emergent phenomenon that has the capacity to self organize..." to simply, intellectual organization, and render the coarse physical description of these "life processes" as Thornhill, Arp and Peratt, et al, have already done.

10. I believe that the observed gamma ray flashes observed in our upper atmosphere are a significant part of this process (but leave this discussion to be included here later). 

11. The term "potential", at the moment, appears to precisely, adequately and compellingly, albeit broadly, to define this [my] point of view that the Universe and all dynamic processes are in existence, in terms of phenomenal physics, which includes life, human behaviours and economics... 

12. This brings me to the point of view that our planet, as all spheres (planets, suns, gas giants, etc.) of double layered formed yet coagulant and coalescence matter throughout the Universe(s), have accordingly their own unique specificities and characteristics. That it is the endogenous response that is produced, or magnified, a spectrum of "life" uniquely to the compositions of gases, chemicals, charge, density, temperature, pressure, etc., in the envelop surrounding each structure - in the cushion (white of the egg) of the 'atmospheric' 'field', being between the 2 plates of the whole leaky capacitor (ionosphere and surface) expressed in terms on the surfaces of terrain and liquid, in reaction to the exogenous forces (comic rays) including cosmic energy induction. Where the exogenous forces are consistent in their processes (but not magnitude) and where the parochial environments (milieux) are highly variable: all consistently identical analogously, in Principle, throughout the Infinite Universe, as well as this influence upon our near space siblings and cousins. 

13. CONCLUSIONS: Humanity is more than probably totally unique, in form, or at least, rare or uncommon throughout the whole Infinite Universe despite SETI and other mainstream scientific institutions asking us to believe otherwise. We must however, therefore expect that "life", as redefined herein, is common outside our earthly DL bubble or Universe as well as outside that DL reaching to all domains within the whole Infinite Universe. 

14. The term "Universe(s)" now also needs to be redefined. 

15. I believe that my definition of 'time' [see 'Infinite Time') needs to be closely considered in great depth - this I consider a priority for grasping the true understanding of the physics of space, as it also defines 'scale' (magnitude) and the relationships between all entities, no matter what or where they are, as they all obey the same Laws. 

16. And, not surprisingly, economics - a force 'caused' by man; an effect, can be defined (and may also actually define) as identical processes - as can human behaviors; that is to say, forces of the electrical nature, that obey the universal Laws of Thermodynamics. 

The innate nature of the 'sphere' is the energized twin spiral known as Birkeland Currents which commences from a focus or Z-pinch; this is science; the nature of physics. 


The geometric characteristics known as the 'square' or all those objects bounded by straight lines, is the application and signature of technology. Perfection is the Sine Curve.

The 'Principle Cause' does not directly indulge itself in 'technology' per se. This is the by-product of what we term 'life'. 

Life exists only where there be electric fields that generate magnetic fields. All the latter exist by areas of charge separation.

No Big Bangs - No Black Holes - No Neutron Stars – No Dark Matter. 

Universal time is carried by all life obediently and innately; it is eternal. Earth-time is merely the rotational dynamics in which we find ourselves and is specific only to our Planet.

For a unique and magnificent decade long work on the history of Humanity and the events from then until now, I recommend the following Saturnian Cosmology by Jno Cook.

Visiting and contemplation this site , creates Humility.

We are not what we believe.

About Me

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I am now considered too old to be of further threat but I have survived three institutional attempts to prematurely end my life during my career. The current Global Systemic Collapse (GSC), better described as a 'global leadership collapse' (GLC), is a socio-economic phase-transition brought about by the total failure of global "leadership", to find even the most basic of foresight and compassionate sensitivities to balance the imbalances and injustices that they have wrought on the World. Governments' are now attempting to create an exclusive risk-free corporate environment. This delusional ideology of pure insanity, cannot sustain. This sought "risk-free' corporate banking environment is to be achieved by transferring all risk and all financial losses to the tax-payers (“Main Street”) while maintaining a highly secretive cabal of global elites and ruling politician and bankers. The simple truth is that our "Economic Theory" is a fatally flawed, faith-based farce, and "leadership" do not have the necessary intelligence nor intellect to confront the issues du jour. There are now only Heretics and Fools, but, there is always a “choice”.