An Universal Evolutionary Strategy:
Interactive self-organizational emergence phenomenon constrained by contextuality and structured by complicity.
Intelligence is Constrained but Time and Space are its Matrix of Potential.
Its Universal carrier is energy, not light (light is a direct result of the universal manifestation of intelligence; it is the energization of activity – resistance) and the law that it obeys are the laws of causality that is to say, the Laws of Cause and Effect. Its Origin unknowable yet its nature is revealed by its signatures.
Everywhere valid, being Universal in every receptive milieu where parochial environments grant Opportunity, Intelligence is driven out of Necessity;
that necessity, the need to know itself.
nAs pervasive as Truth, as elegant as harmony, the instrument of Intelligence, its virulent mutation engenders itself onto every fertile and ready surface creating itself in accord with those parochial laws - that is, those subsets of universal Laws, imposed by its host . It is motion – it is activity – it is resistance – it is reaction:
It is above all – a Verbe.
Its Mother is its medium – Plasma – and its Sire is energy; its Father unknown.
Its manifestation is indicated by the growth of the glow of Universal light, that is the resistance to its manifestation universally; it evolves in creation; a constant not of the time of men, but of the variable constraints of the affinities and their specificities of the nurturing host and its milieu which are imposed upon and by the emergent Herbe. So this time is relationship; that of the organization geometrie built on structure and expressed in surface.
Intelligence is contextual, that is to say: Intelligence needs a context.
Intelligence propagates according to the laws of complicity where Complicity is a vital and hence energized interaction of two or more complex systems which leads to a behaviour that is not present in either system on its own.
Life is any emergent phenomenon with the capacity of self-organization; an Entity.
Manifesting thought is 'life' where knowledge is its milieu. Without complicit interactions there can be no genesis, no creation; no Life.
The Nature of life is the nature of energy for Intelligence is motion and its motion is of attraction and replusion; the coarse being of the electric forces where the subtle are of the magnetic forces (Motion creates 4 forces); each entity consists of contradictory complementaries; this is Duality.
Life exists in gender; This is not duality.
Polarity is achievement of Phase.
Vital & Impulsive are we and triggered by evocation.